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Monrovia Days Success; 296-Unit Housing Project Moves Forward

In his weekly report ( ) City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...

~ Monrovia Days was a huge success. Chi writes, “The crowds were bigger this year than ever. The fun and festivities were more impressive.” And, he said, an extra day was added to the event, bringing it to three days, and the city was hoping to sell $40,000 in tickets but ended up selling $76,000. A big improvement from what started “three years ago as a modest effort to bring the Monrovia Days parade back in a joint City – School District effort.” Oh, and the city team successfully defended its pie-eating contest title.  

~ Students in grades 8-10 can participate in one of three summer sessions of the Junior Research Summer Academy for $40. Participants Will be introduced to a variety of scientific fields through hands-on experiments with real research scientists. Hosted by the City and Oak Crest Institute of Science. Session 1: June 25 - July 6; Session 2: July 9-20; Session 3: July 23 - August 3. 

~ The City’s Development Review Committee  approved an application for a 296-unit multi-family housing project located just south of our Gold Line stop at Station Square (located at the NE corner of Duarte and Magnolia).  The Planning Commission will now consider the project on June 1, and if approvals are granted at that meeting, the City Council will be considering the matter this July.

- Brad Haugaard 

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