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Monrovia Council: Historic House? Property Sales; Etc.

Historic Designation for this house?

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia City Council will consider...

~ Designating the House at 921 East Greystone Avenue an historic landmark and approving a Mills Act contract for it. The historic designation costs the city nothing but the Mills Act contract gives the homeowner a tax break and will cost the city around $1,808 a year in lost property tax.

~ Selling the property at 1528 and 1532 South Primrose Avenue to 123 West Pomona, LLC for  an “above-market sales price of $1,695,000, or around $183 / square foot.” The property is intended for a mixed use development.

~ Modifying a contract with West Coast Arborists for the period ending June 30, 2019, to add brush clearance and hazardous vegetation management service. That will cost up to $30,000 for the fiscal year. 

- Brad Haugaard 

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