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Will Monrovia Acquire Peck Lake Wetland for Additional Parkland? Twelve Potential Historic Districts Dropped from Historic Context Statement; Etc.

At its next meeting (agenda: the Monrovia City Council will consider ...

~ Adopting a Citywide Park Master Plan. Highlights:

  • Aim to provide 1.5 acres of park for every thousand residents. Currently the city is at 0.9.
  • Look for properties that could be turned into parks, especially in areas more than a half mile from existing parks. This may mean: "Acquire and develop the Peck Lake Wetland project for passive recreation and stormwater treatment." Also, consider partnering with school district, which "could provide opportunities to improve school facilities in ways that may help meet community park needs." 
  • Improve existing parks: Picnic shelters, playgrounds, water play splash pads, sport fields and courts, restrooms and playground shade structures.

Monster report here:

~ Consider adopting an Historic Context Statement ( which is, "the foundation for identifying, evaluating, and handling historic properties and it helps communities and cities make land use decisions." An earlier version of the HCS identified 12 parts of the city that could become historic districts, but these have been dropped because the Historic Preservation Commission feels it needs to communicate more with residents in those areas and because commissioners felt that "potential district designation should begin at the homeowners' request."

~ Authorize an agreement with Oak Crest Institute of Science and the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills to develop a summer science program for Monrovia students.

- Brad Haugaard

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