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Homeless in Park Will Probably Stay; Oak Tree in Park Will Go; New Sign for Studio Movie Grill; Money for Home Security Gone; More

New theater facade.

In his weekly report, City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...

~ As currently written, the city ordinance against "camping in city parks" is "unenforceable and unconstitutional." The main difficulty in creating a new ordinance is in providing an alternate place for homeless people to go. Chi said that means "it would be unconstitutional for the City to simply say 'get off my lawn' and start pushing homeless people out of the park."

"[I]t is increasingly clear," he writes, "that there is no simple law that can be adopted to make homeless people disappear. Ultimately, adopting the law is easy, enforcing it is hard. The status of homelessness cannot be criminalized, and efforts to simply make homeless individuals go away through any means necessary will likely violate those individuals' constitutional rights if not done carefully and compassionately. Both state and federal courts have made these points exceedingly clear recently."

There will be a City Council study session on the matter today at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.

~ A new facade and signage have been approved for Studio Movie Grill. The theater is also working on interior upgrades of food and beverage service areas. Construction is tentatively scheduled to start in mid-summer.

~ The Cork Oak tree at Library Park (just east of the fountain) is dying due to a pinhole borer beetle infestation and will have to be removed. The dying tree will be replaced with two new Cork Oak trees.

~ You know the city program to help residents pay for home security systems? Well, it was popular and the money has run out, so it's all over for now.

~ During Spring Break this upcoming week, the Monrovia Library, in partnership with Oak Crest Institute of Science, will be holding daily programs on a variety of scientific and engineering fields. There will be a small Open House event, scheduled for this Thursday, April 5, 2 to 3 p.m.

~ Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills will be honoring outstanding youth. Details:

~ Monrovia Garden Club is planting a new Engelmann Oak tree at Kiwanis Park at Grand Avenue today.

~ Monrovia Police Department is participating in Autism Awareness Month. T-shirts are now available (1 for $20, 2 for $30) at the Police Department. For questions contact Seth Hermes at

~ Monrovia Reads has been added to a new entry sign logo on Huntington Drive, along with the other service clubs in town.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Camping in the park - Does that mean anybody, including Monrovia citizens, can camp in the park? What is a group got together and decided to camp in the park, is that all right?
