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GoMonrovia Program 'Very Popular,' Tip-A-Cop' for Special Olympics; Neighborhood Conference; Serve on a City Board

In his weekly report, City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ GoMonrovia is "very popular" just a few weeks into the program. The program offers $.50 rides with the car-sharing provider, Lyft, and $1 30-minute rides with the dock-free bike share provider, LimeBike.

You can get three free rides on LimeBike by downloading the LimeBike app, signing up, then clicking the "present" icon to share a referral code with a friend. That'll give you both free rides. The city is working with the company to improve rearranging of the bikes and move them when they're badly parked. You can report an illegally parked bike in the app by clicking the "!" on the home page.

To get the discount on Lyft, enter the promo code "GOMONROVIA" before requesting a ride, make sure your pick-up and drop-off locations are within the Monrovia service area, and make sure that you have selected "Lyft - 4 seats".

The current dial-a-ride program will continue for riders with ADA-related and wheelchair needs, but the fare to ride now costs $.50.

~ The Monrovia Police Department will host a Tip-A-Cop fundraiser to benefit the Special Olympics this Thursday at Claim Jumper Restaurant at 820 W. Huntington Drive, from 5 to 9 p.m. Monrovia Police Officers and LA County Deputies will be servers and all tips will be donated to the Special Olympics.

~ Ninth Annual Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) Neighborhood Conference s scheduled for Saturday, April 21, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Topics: De-Escalation Simulation with Monrovia Police Department, Neighborhood Treasures with Neighborhood Services Division, GoMonrovia for Suburban Mobility with City Manager Oliver Chi, Building a Better Monrovia with Public Services Director Tina Cherry. Register here:

~ The City is accepting applications to fill positions on the Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Community Services Commission, and Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB). Details:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. I've been seeing more and more LimeBikes around Old Town, outside of there "officially" designated areas. Three of four have shown up on the block I live. I've also seen them outside churches, bars and restaurants. None of the bikes I saw were parked illegally, as far as I know, and all appeared to be in good shape. This all pleases me since it means the service is being used, and not abused.

    1. I did see this story about Dallas and its use of LimeBike:

      Which makes me wonder who is responsible for making sure the bikes aren't a problem (e.g. blocking the sidewalk, laying in the road)? Is it the city? The company? Who?
