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Monrovia School Board to Honor Hippiebots on Big Win; Etc.

At its June 14, 7 p.m. meeting (Agenda Take care, it's a 222 page download), the Monrovia Board of Education will ...

~ Congratulate Paul Flores and the Clifton Middle School Hippiebots on winning the 2017 First Tech Challenge Dutch Open in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

~ Hear a report that the district administration has reached a tentative agreement with its various labor unions for a 1.5 percent salary increase retroactive to July 1 of last year. That will cost the district an additional $702,366.

~ Hold a public hearing on the district's Local Control Accountability Plan. The agenda says a copy of the plan is at the district website (, but I can't find it. I'll update this if I hear back. Update: The plan is here.

~ Hold a public hearing on its Proposed Adopted Budget Report, which the agenda says is attached, but I can't find it. Again, I'll update this if I hear back. Update: The budget is now in the agenda file.

- Brad Haugaard

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