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Monrovia Negotiating to - Apparently - Sell Old Town Parking Lots

Monrovia is apparently negotiating to sell several of its Old Town parking lots.

In a closed session (agenda: on Tuesday, June 20, the City Council will confer about "Price and Terms of Payment" of six properties that are identified only by Assessor Parcel number.

Two of the properties make up the parking lot just to the south of the Monrovia Library, which stretches from Lime down to Lemon (8516-016-900  and 8516-016-901). Negotiations are with the Robhana Group, a real estate investment firm:

The city is also negotiating to - apparently - sell the parking lot on the south side of Palm a half-block east of Myrtle (8516-012-900), and three parcels that make up the parking lot on the north side of Lime just across from the Police Station (8516-012-901, 8516-012-902, and 8516-012-903). Negotiations are with Overton Moore Properties, a commercial real estate developer:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. They certainly are not giving out very much information. Is this so these companies can build office buildings? What is the purpose for selling off city land to developers (not that I am against developers, per se)? What happens to the already dwindling of available parking? Are we going to be like Pasadena, charging for parking?

  2. I think they'll put meters charging. But why sell?
