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Crime Up - Monrovia Blames State; Historic Tours; City Wins Financial Reporting Award; Police Carry a Torch; Park at Train Station

In his weekly update ( Monrovia City Manager Oliver Chi reports ...

~ Serious crime is up in Monrovia, as it is across the state. In 2016 it went up nearly 20% in the city compared to 2015. Chi said the state's new laws (AB 109, Prop 47, and Prop 57) have attracted out-of-state criminals. He writes: "Many are unaware that during the past several years, the State has enacted multiple new laws that have taken away and weakened certain law enforcement authorities, which have eroded public safety efforts."

~ The Monrovia Historical Society has scheduled four narrated tours of Monrovia, each of which only has room for just 14 people.

- June 24, 10 a.m. - The Northwest Quarter
- July 22, 10 a.m. - The Northeast Quarter
- Aug. 26, 10 a.m. - The Southeast Quarter
- Sept. 23, 10 a.m. - The Southwest Quarter

Cost is $50 per person per tour, or $40 for Monrovia Historical Society members.  ($25 off if you buy all four tickets.) All proceeds go to the society to preserve and share Monrovia's history.  To buy tickets contact the Monrovia Historical Society at 256-3423

~ Monrovia has been awarded the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the highest honor possible through the GFOA program.

~ Non-metro riders can now park at the train station parking lot during off hours for $5. Off hours are Monday through Friday - 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. and Saturday, Sunday and Federal holidays. If you are going to ride the train, parking is free.

~ Monrovia Police Department will participate in a Special Olympics Torch Run this Thursday, June 8.  Monrovia Police will pick up the torch at the intersection of Myrtle and Live Oak and carry it 5.41 miles to Red Lobster on Huntington Drive, where they'll hand it off to Arcadia Police.

- Brad Haugaard

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