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No, Sheriff's Department Not Dumping Homeless in Monrovia; Utility Billing Error; Etc.

Proposed bike roads.

In his weekly report (, City Manager Oliver Chi reports that ...

~ No, the Sheriff's Department is not dropping off homeless people at the Monrovia train station. Chi writes that, "what actually occurred was that several deputies who are part of the Sheriff’s Department Mental Health Evaluation Team were riding on the Gold Line headed toward Los Angeles when they heard a call for service regarding an individual bothering a train patron at the Monrovia station." They got off the train at Monrovia and "attempted to provide the individual with services" but he declined and walked away.

~ Oops! There was a utility billing error for May for customers who (mostly) live in the north part of town. The batch of payments was "inadvertently not posted." The $5 late fee notices have been reversed.

~ The water and sewer tax rate is going up starting July 1. "For the typical residential customer, a 0.4% CPI rate adjustment will result in a $0.22 / month water bill increase, and a $0.04 / month sewer bill increase."

~ A household hazardous waste and e-wast disposal event is set for Saturday, June 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Huntington Millennium Center at 181 W. Huntington Drive, at the northwest corner of Huntington and Myrtle.

~ California American Water Company (Cal-Am) is undertaking a pipeline replacement project along Mountain Avenue between Huntington Drive and Bloomdale Street. Should be done by the end of the month.

~ Precision Concrete Cutting has made 7,000 sidewalk repairs in Monrovia so far, grinding down uneven spots, and will begin working on the area between Colorado Boulevard and Hillcrest and west of Myrtle.

~ Work on water lines under Foothill Blvd is set to begin on Monday, May 30. Expect some closed lanes and parking restrictions.

~ The city has identified some streets to be "Class III" bike routes, which means roads identified as being for both cars and bicycles. This means signs and striping on the roads.

~ Monrovia Council Member Becky Shevlin has been elected by her peers at the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments to serve on its Executive Board as the Third Vice President.

~ Santa Fe Middle School will now be called Santa Fe Computer Science Magnet School.

~ You can now print documents through the Monrovia Library. Just go here:

- Brad Haugaard

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