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Monrovia, Arcadia, Duarte Battle of the Bands

The 12th Annual MAD (Monrovia, Arcadia, Duarte) Battle of the Bands will be held this Friday, April 15, at Monrovia High School in the Louise K. Taylor Auditorium. This scholarship fundraising event began in 2005 with only Monrovia-area talent; in 2015 it was opened up to include Arcadia and Duarte High bands, hearkening back to the years prior to 1954 when the school district was composed of Monrovia, Arcadia and Duarte residents. Tickets are $5 from band members or at the door. More information, history and a gallery of pictures at

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Hopefully this will go on just for Friday and not all weekend. The continuous drum noise and little else is obnoxious.

  2. Hopefully this will go on just for Friday and not all weekend. The continuous drum noise and little else is obnoxious.
