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Residents Raising Funds For Second Monrovia Historic District

Residents of the 100 and 200 blocks of North Encinitas are close to submitting an application for historic district status, the second such district in Monrovia. They're trying to raise $11,153 for the application. Those who would like to contribute can do so here:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. 65 homes need to raise $11,153. That's $171 per home. They've raised $3k so far. Why in the world would I contribute to this effort when even the home owners on the street who would benefit from this won't put in a measly $171 to save their own street?

  2. How come the Application Fee costs $11,153? What does the City of Monrovia do with those monies? And, why just North Encinitas? Shouldn't other sections of the City of Monrovia also be in consideration for the 'historic' designation? And, how come it's so convoluted to apply for a 'historic' designation -- i.e., the only commonality that gets mentioned is that a house's age is only one factor. However, there's been cases where a 1950 era home (because of some no-name architect that no one ever heard of) is given a designation as 'historic'; but not a 1920 era home (which is in fact a Sears catalog bungalow) because it's a 'dime-a-dozen', 'we have so many bungalows in Monrovia', etc. More to it, there's been a slew of purported home remodeling projects approved through but resulted in a McMansion of a structure for the house that really impacts the neighborhood look and feel. How come those got approved?

    These are fair questions that needs answering as there doesn't seem to be a cohesive approach to such efforts by the City of Monrovia itself. It seems that the homeowner(s) are left by city leadership to fend for themselves in protecting the community.
