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Orchard Supply Hardware Coming to Monrovia? | Laundromat | Newspaper

At its August 5 meeting (agenda: ) Monrovia's Development Review Committee is going to consider ...

~ An Orchard Supply Hardware store with at 3,000 square foot outdoor nursery is planned for the shopping area at the corner of Monterey and Huntington (the shopping center with the PetSmart). The Development Review Committee will consider this.

~ A laundromat at the Monrovia Plaza Shopping Center at the corner of Huntington and Magnolia.

~ Allowing the San Gabriel Valley News Group (including San Gabriel Valley Tribune and Pasadena Star-News) to put up a sign for its new office at 605 E. Huntington.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. That OSH with an outdoor nursery will be right next to Armstrong Gardens. Too bad the owner of Armstrong is not friends with Mayor Tom Adams. I do not believe Tom Adams would allow a BBQ restaurant to open up next door to Jake's Roadhouse.

  2. OSH and Armstrong are different types of stores. Besides both are large corporations. I'll take the larger tax base of an OSH over Armstrong any day. Nothing wrong with some competition. How many yogurt / ice cream places are there in Monrovia. Good ones stay open and the bad close.

    I'd love to see something move in at the old Albertsons location.

  3. I prefer OSH to Home Depot for most things. Look forward to not driving to Pasadena as much. Since it is at the opposite side of town from HD, it should draw from Arcadia and folks in the neighborhood will have a closer option. I agree that it shouldn't be much competition for Armstrong.

  4. Too bad we can't get our own Target or other retail giant like that. Duarte has Target and Walmart, and we ALL shop there. Would be nice to have one of those shops in Monrovia!

    1. I am sorry you have a car, is not even that far.

  5. why would they open another target or walmart so close to each other. Population density does support it and would cannibalize sales from the Duarte locations. Second besides Albertsons lot there is no space for a store of that size. Give me a Total Wine store. Than again the average income in the area probably does not support it.

    1. sorry population density does not support it.

  6. Monrovia.... Fix it!
    There are two great locations that sit empty. Loss of revenue and jobs.
    Bring in Stater Brothers (Ralph's Duarte closed and Vons is packed now)
    Bring in Orchard or Lowe's
    Competitive shopping
    Everybody wins.

  7. Is not good. Shop at Orchard. I ask that you do not shop at Armstrong's

    1. Armstrong's quality is superior than any other local nursery. Other than plants Orchard is good quality too.
