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Monrovia Art: Movie Themed Bronze Statue Proposed for Myrtle Avenue

Sketch of proposed bronze statue on Myrtle.

Monrovia's Art in Public Places Committee wants a life-size bronze statue on Myrtle Avenue of an old fashioned movie director, a free standing movie camera and a tall director's chair. (The money is in an account accumulated from a tax on developers.)

The committee wants to use sculptor Daniel Stern, who did two bronze statues for Temple City, Red Car Man and Red Car Woman which whimsically depict passengers and reference the history of the site along the Pacific Electric Railway.

"The director's chair is designed to be interactive and you will actually be able to sit in it and have your picture taken. The art has movement, whimsy and ties into the history and present of the City. The Art in Public Places Committee recommended that 'The Monrovia Feature Film Company' and the 'The Argonauts of 49,' which was filmed in Canyon Park, be incorporated into the piece. The art will be located on the east side of Myrtle Avenue in the mid 400 block."

The City Council will consider the request at its Sept. 1 meeting:

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Last Firday I found out that the City has not planned ahead for infrastructure maintenance and has an estimated liability of about $36.9M.

    Excuse me, but is the City going to pay for this amusing distraction?

    If so, and given its inability to manage for the future, in preference to plastic bag bans, people's committees to control what houses look like and failed adventures in real estate development, why should this project move forward?

    So a small group of arty types feel fulfilled and a few people get their pictures taken (compared to the 30,000 (about) other citizens of the City? Priorities appear to be amiss with this.

  2. Art in Public Places is funded through developer fees, not taxpayer dollars. The people who build large residential and commercial developments pay for it. Surprising that you hadn't heard about deferred maintenance since it was the big controversy of last April's mayoral election. Infrastructure maintenance was always planned for. The city council delayed some of it for a few years for sound fiscal reasons but those needs are now being addressed. Mr. Schell, what "failed adventures" in real estate development are you referring to? I'm not aware of any.
