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Design Change to Proposed Madison/Foothill Starbucks Project

Kevin Lê, a local resident and small business owner of Monrovia's Courtney + Lê Architects, the firm designing the Madison/Foothill Starbucks project, writes to say that the elevation plan for the proposed Starbucks at Foothill and Madison has changed since the Development Review.  (See above for the new one.)

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Courtney Le Architects Inc. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of $1 to 2.5 million.
    That's a small business?

  2. usually a cap of $3 - 5 million would be considered small business. SBA actual defines it as a company with tax income of less than $5 million.

  3. A business of 1 to 2.5 million can support 5-10 employees. Seems like a small business to me.

  4. is this the current Buger Shack location?

  5. This is a HORRIBLE idea. We have a Starbucks on Huntington parallel to this proposed spot. Have they even bothered to look at the flow of traffic? Please, stand on the corner from about 7:15am - 8:15am on a school day. It's very difficult to turn left onto Madison from Foothill. Also, do they understand that the high school kids don't really NEED a Starbucks right there. Get creative Monrovia. This is NOT a good plan. THIS IS A BAD PLAN.
