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City Council Gives Friday Night Fair Producer Six Weeks to Improve

The Monrovia City Council decided Tuesday night to give the Friday Night Fair producer, LA PartyWorks, six extra weeks to improve. Councilmember Alex Blackburn proposed giving the six weeks and reworking the fair oversight committee (how it's used and who sits on it), and jointly (city and LA PartyWorks) interview a liason to work between the company and the city. Speakers basically asked to give LA PartyWorks a longer chance while staff and city council members felt that LA PartyWorks had been "disengenuous" (Tom Adams), and had a "huge credibility issue" (Becky Shevlin). Only Mayor Tom Adams voted against the extra time.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. Notable that they are offering LA PartyWorks more time now than they've allowed them so far, given we're only a month into the new management of the street fair.

    But it's the disparaging remarks made by anti-LA PartyWorks council members about the MANY people who spoke in favor of LA PartyWorks which doesn't bode well for the new guys. It really seems the council has already made up its mind.

    Too bad, given the long-running problems the city now say's it's been having with LA PartyWorks from the beginning, that we're only hearing about them now, after the changeover. Any explanation for that?

    So who will police the new, new guys, once LA PartyWorks is officially kicked out? Or will they get a free pass for minor infractions during their opening weeks?

  2. The "new guys" running the fair once they get rid of LA Partyworks will not need policing because it will be the OLD guys brought back in. FFP (now called "Greenleaf") will be brought back. Nobody wants to say it but Tom Adams, Dave Gayman, and the owners of Jake's all have personal and financial ties. Why doesn't anybody seem to be aware of these relationships?

  3. I had to deal with Dave from LAPW for many years when he was here in Monrovia. This guy is a Carny and will slip and slide anyway he can - When I heard that he got the contract for the festival I just started laughing. There is no way this is going to turn out good.
