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Robert Parry Election Statement - Running for Monrovia City Council

As I have knocked on doors to talk to Monrovians from 5th Avenue to Bradbury Drive to Hillcrest to Encino Place, I have heard many concerns about our special community. Concerns like crime, streets without stripes potholes, empty store fronts and fears of traffic from the Gold Line. We must address our massive deferred maintenance backlog, preserve our natural and historic ambiance, and budget carefully.

I’m proud to be endorsed by community leaders like Councilmembers Tom Adams & Alex Blackburn; Former Mayors Rob Hammond, State Senator Dick Mountjoy and John Nobrega; activists Gwendolyn Jones and Jimmy Oballes; and the Monrovia Police Officers’ Association.

My qualifications include:
- Small-business owner; 20 years in marketing and finance
- Master’s degree in business from USC; bachelors in journalism from the University of La Verne
- Military reserve officer: three combat tours; currently responsible for 120 Soldiers & $10 million in government property
- Community activist and proven City hall fighter
- Member of Monrovia Library Park Conduct Committee
- VFW Post 2070 Senior Vice Commander
- Father of a pre-schooler
- San Gabriel Valley native

My priorities are simple:

  1. Prioritize fiscal responsibility & public safety
  2. Preserve Monrovia’s unique character and appearance
  3. Maintain our infrastructure.
  4. Economic development and integration of the Gold Line, to include attracting new high tech businesses to town while mitigating noise for the neighbors.
  5. Improve quality of life; building a park south of Huntington Drive.

I promise to always do what I believe is Monrovia’s best interest.  I’ll apply my experience as a father, businessman and leader to every question.  And I will respect all who come to participate in our democracy and make Monrovia a better place.

You can learn more at:

Thank you for the honor of your vote.


  1. All I can say he didnt come by my house and he should take a look at what the families of the people that are indorsing him have done in monrovia

    1. Do you think that maybe if he were told who you are just maybe he would know where your house is located. Good Grief ... That morn-ish Anonymous family is everywhere in that town.

    2. I didn't come by your house? Maybe you weren't home! Or maybe I haven't been on your street yet. Drop me a line on my Web site and I will be happy to visit you or give you a call.

    3. People like you make me sure I'm voting for the right person.

    4. Robert ... Please don't get into a rock throwing contest with the Moron-ish Anonymous Clan. They are for the most part classless and clueless.

  2. I know Robert to be a man with a vision. He has a plan for Monrovia because he is a Monrovian with a passion for this town,his hometown of choice. A HomeTown is indeed where the heart lives. Roberts most recent offer to serve Monrovia was as a write in candidate during OUR 2013 election. City records show that as a write in candidate Robert drew well over 900 votes. Very very impressive in OUR city. This time around his name will be on the ballet and I will proudly put my mark on his circle.

    1. Maybe he hasn't come by my house this time, but he did last time and I was one of those who wrote his name in and will be proud to check it off this time. As someone who was born in Monrovia, I liked everything he had to say.
