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Monrovia a Good City For Renters

A new report by consumer finance site NerdWallet says Monrovia is the ninth best city in Southern California for renters. It is 20.1 times cheaper to rent in Monrovia than to buy here. 49.5% of Monrovia rent rather than own their residences.

- Brad Haugaard


  1. So where is the affordable 3 bed rental?

  2. With some improvements that old Santa Fe Train Depot could be made affordable to the right minded renter. The city won't be using it after all. If the right renter talks sweetly to our City Council maybe they would be willing to search out some grant money's for the needed improvements. I learned at last Tuesdays nights CC meeting that Mayor Lutz' went to DC to learn how to ask for grant money from the right sources.

    1. Your silly sarcasm is ironic. See Larry Winslow's comment below.

  3. So this explains why Monrovia is regarded as a city run by wealthy land barons.

  4. It's interesting that Arcadia's train stop is almost complete and Monrovia's looks like it hasn't been touched. Way to go!

  5. Anonymous 9:05 - in your rush to say nasty things about Monrovia you failed to notice that the "train stop" here is every bit as complete as Arcadia's. You're mistaking one building for another. The building that looks like it hasn't been touched is the historic Santa Fe Depot, for which $1 million in grant money has been set aside, and it will be moved, repaired and may be turned into a restaurant or something as the rest of the project develops. The train will stop at the already-completed new station just west of where the Depot is now, not at the historic building.

    1. Thanks for the update Larry Winslow.

  6. Larry Windslow and Anonymouth 4:33 PM In an effort to verify Larry's statements I called to City Hall this afternoon. I asked for Larry Winslow by name and was informed that he is not an employee at City Hall nor is he a spokesman for our City Hall. Therefore I am unable to get clarification on his statements concerning our train depot status. Our city hall did however reconfirm that Mr. Che was still assembling a report which he will deliver to the community and Council on March 3rd. I was advised not to trust anything I read in a Monrovia Now comments box's.
    Interesting also is that word around town has it that Mayor Lutz's camp is in damage control mode. Many of her supporters are on a mission to defend her at all cost.
    As for me. I will wait for the facts as promised by Mayor Lutz , Tom Adams and Mr. Che.

  7. Larry, I drove by arcadia yesterday and their train stop for the most part is fully landscaped, as benches in place etc. parking structure looks like it is 90% complete. How is Monrovia's coming along?
