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Mary Ann Lutz Election Statement - Running for Monrovia Mayor

Candidate Statement of Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
    I am proud to serve as Monrovia’s Mayor for the past six years, one of the most challenging financial periods in our city’s history. A steady, consistent hand on the helm has pulled us through these hard times with our finances secure, our homes and streets safe and our future as bright as ever.
    My area-wide involvement, including work on such issues as water quality, energy and waste management, has helped bring Monrovia new businesses, new programs and new funding, leveraging and strengthening the community’s resources and maintaining its role as a regional leader. It is important that we continue that long-standing policy of regional engagement if we are to maintain the advances we’ve made and the opportunities we’ve identified.
    I see great things ahead for Monrovia!
•             Crime is down, the lowest in decades!
•             Our budget is balanced.
•             We have come through hard times with minimal disruption and our economy is growing again. Nearly 200 new businesses were added to the tax base last year!
•            The Gold Line and Station Square are under construction after decades of hard work.
•             Our playgrounds are getting new equipment.
•             Master plans for sewer and water upgrades are in the works, and
•             A comprehensive, affordable and citywide program of sidewalk, street, curb and gutter improvements is on the drawing boards.
    The opportunities for Monrovia are as great today as they have ever been. We have the team, the support, the commitment and the momentum to make the next few years truly special in our community and I look forward to helping lead that great effort.
    Please join me at or at as we work to keep Monrovia the dynamic community it is today!
Leadership with Impact!
Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
Delivering Results for All Monrovia


  1. Mrs mayor do or have you read the weekly police blotter. Have you seen how many peoples houses have been burglarized in the last year, how many peoples cars have been broken into. How many people are caught stealing from kholes and the home depot. So how can crime be lowest in 10 years I mean no disrespect mrs mayor I know that your the mayor not the police department check the numbers you are the person in the city I know that it looks better for property values if the crime rate statics are low.

  2. Mayor Lutz will not see this. In that these crime issues are important to each of us I recommend you take this to her direct. The mayor is running for re-election. See if you can get her attention.
    BTW .... Just a thought ... Tell the mayor who you are.

  3. 200 businesses were added to the tax base last year? Monrovia Bakery - gone. Irish Gardener - gone. Appliance place - gone. Allure - gone. Japanese restaurant (name escapes me) - gone. Pet store on Huntington - gone. Cherry on Top - gone. Vape101 - Gone (and good riddance). California Wine & Cheese - gone. BofA Mortgage - gone. L&J Fashions - gone. Vacuum repair place - gone. Mexican market on Myrtle - gone. Oh, yeah, and ALBERTSON'S - gone. How many home-based businesses does it take to make up for a grocery store's tax increment?

    1. And Albertson's is still gone along with the retail location next to Michael's. There is also the undeveloped land next to Michaels. How long has the corner of Myrtle and Huntington sat unused as raw land.

  4. She is soooooo full of Herself and Her Team Monrovia. If i have to hear that on more time I am going to puke. This City is falling apart and the employees are leaving in droves. We just go a new City Manager and their is not depth in the ranks. I hope that he is a good leader to make up for Lutz's failures. "Greatness Is Real". What the hell does that mean. If we want to hire a mayor that should be on the short bus, vote for Lutz.

    1. I'm trying very hard to make sense out of this election and comments like this do nothing to help. This is not just over-the-top angry and juvenile, it's also pretty obvious. I think this city has been administered in a very professional way and I've been impressed with City Hall since I moved here 15 years ago. These personal attacks on the mayor at every turn and the constant complaint that the city is falling apart are so obviously political as to be almost laughable. I would laugh, but they're getting really nasty and we still have two more months of this to go. I thought we were better than this.

    2. I agree with Martin Barnes. Nobody needs this kind of hateful comment.

  5. The Mayor only has one vote !

    1. You make a very good point. Tom Adams and his supporters keep trying to blame the mayor for things but he has the same number of votes on the council that she does so how come when four people vote to do something that he and his friends don't like they blame her?

  6. Marcie, each member has one vote but the Mayor has greater control over the agenda. The Mayor is also to lead, somewhat like the Captain of a ship. I don't blame the Mayor for anything other than her votes, I have never tied anyone to another's votes. I do think that the Mayor needs to answer for her vote to turn over our Wilderness Preserve to the Federal Government and other votes but make no mistake, each of the members should be accountable, myself included, for their own vote.
