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Gloria Crudgington Election Statement - Running for Monrovia City Council

Gloria Crudgington

Candidate for City Council

I am running for City Council because I am deeply concerned about the following issues:

·        I attended the 2014 City Council Budget Study Sessions (10 sessions over 9 months, not videotaped), the only member of the public that attended regularly.  I learned that we have $38 Million in unfunded deferred maintenance and budgeted only $300,000 to fix it.  At this rate, it would take 125 years to fix everything, assuming nothing else breaks.  In other words, we balance the budget by essentially ignoring the deferred maintenance.

·        Despite assurances from City officials that our zoning codes protected us from Arcadia-style McMansions, they don’t.  Please visit my website,, to view the Youtube video that led to the temporary moratorium.  I am a 17-year Monrovia Historic Preservation Group Board Member and activist.  New construction must be compatible with our neighborhoods.  Who you elect will determine the future of our architectural heritage.

·        Last year, we were told we didn’t receive a grant to restore our historic train depot.  That was untrue.  (Visit my website to view another Youtube video, “Monrovia Train Depot Disaster.”) The City lost a $927,000 grant to restore our train depot.   According to a note sent to me by Interim City Manager Fran Delach last year, the grant was “neglected,”  “the funds had to be returned to the MTA,” and the employee responsible for the project was terminated by the City.”  This would mean the grant loss was not “deliberate” or “thoughtful,” as recently described by the City.

In the past year, these circumstances have turned me, an 11-year Community Services Commissioner, former Citizen of the Year and dedicated volunteer, into a whistle blower.  I refer you to my website for my additional credentials, and I ask for your vote. 


  1. Go Gloria. It's a shame we ignored a grant to restore our historic train depot. Thanks for being a whistle blower and activist.
    The most alarming thing not being addressed is the maintenance needs. Only 1 other candidate has made it an issue but you took it a step further and enumerated the cost. Thank you.

  2. Gloria, thanks for uncovering this mess. I have fought for 5 years to stop the part time management of our town, now we are starting to see the cost of this and there will be more.

    1. I find this hard to believe. You are constantly attacking those that have tried to preserve our community. As an elected official, you should work for all of us - not your interest as a realtor.

    2. Gloria ... I enjoyed your leading statement announcing your Candidate Statement. It reads "ELECTION" statement. Now that's what I call the power of positive thinking. There is nothing wrong with leading with that personal quality. You now have my full attention.
      However ... I must tell you this, Your statement ... in and of it's self is not enough to capture my vote. Here's some background to explain. myself.
      Your Statement includes the names of those who support you. That, for me, is a very important feature to a STATEMENT asking me for support and I thank you for it. Most names of that list are, for now, unknown people to me. But there's more ... On that list one name JUMPS up and hits me right dead center brain. That man has done something unheard of in his history. He and his beautiful wife have put your yard sign on their property. I see it several times a day because I proudly call that man neighbor. Rest assure ... Others in this town will pound their chest when they hear that this man is on board your train. BTW ... There are 2 Monrovians, who have my respect, out there who will confirm this.
      Gloria ... I will leave it to you to find those 2 men ... only of course if it is of value to your "ELECTION".

    3. Anonymous, no attack on my part, thanking Gloria for her work and expressing my frustration of being in a city that had 4 different part time managers, nothing more, nothing less.

    4. Tom your unreal. Thanks for uncovering this mess, my God Tom your the one feeding her this

    5. Dan Crandell Proud to be ENLIGHTENED and VISABLEFebruary 16, 2015 at 9:05 PM

      To Moron-ish Anonymous Clan Member at 7:46 PM ... Explain what crap Tom is "feeding to her". Is not crap a type of "mess" which should be uncovered and cleaned up? Tell me again ... who's being unreal? Go ahead ... Give us another one of your BEST shots.

    6. As administrator of this forum I don't mind the rough and tumble discussion, but please no name calling.

    7. It's amazing how Mr. Admas make it a point that he is frustrated with the part time management, yet at one point he put in his resignation then decided to not follow through. He didn't follow through because then there wouldn't be protection for his business. The city manager pushes for loyalty yet Mr. Adams is far from loyalty. He is only loyal to himself.

  3. When did all this happen? I heard it was back in 2008 or 2009 when Rob Hammond was mayor and Tom Adams and Mary Ann Lutz were both on the council. Wasn't Scott Ochoa still city manager too before he went to Glendale? So did the then mayor and council know about this and how come we're only hearing about it now? If this is true, how many people are going to have to share the blame?

    1. Your questions show that you are a vested Monrovian. I can assure you ... We have been railroaded by our city government. I can also assure that many fingers are being pointed in every many directions and at many people. Please continue to follow this and other city business as well. Your presents at the Council meeting Tuesday night will be a start to getting your questions answered. Please tell a neighbor or 10.

    2. William Holbrook, actually the loss was when Mary Ann Lutz was Mayor. It was during one of the terms of a part time interim city manager and it appears as though through the turmoil of high turn over at city hall, it was overlooked.

    3. Monrovia is this the type of leader we want? Tom your no leader. You have been on the council 20 years for what a hip replacement!!!!

    4. Dan Crandell Proud to be ENLIGHTENED and VISABLEFebruary 16, 2015 at 10:08 PM

      I sure do hope to see and maybe even get to speak to a couple of these snot nose Moron-ISH Anonymous Clan Members at the City Council meeting Tuesday night. The clan should be easy to identify. They group together with heads on eachother while tears run off their faces. Their battle cry will be ... top offending me and hurting my fluffy soft warm comfortable feelings. That's all they've got. To bad there is nothing to be gained by informing them that this is a grownup subject we are dealing with. The simple minded SHOULD remain invisible and silent.

  4. I'm so glad someone is speaking up about the "forever MacMansion affect" in our fine city. The citizens keep telling those elected we don't want to become like our city to the west, but it seems to land on deaf ears. We pride ourselves in our history and allowing our city (for money sake) to destroy any home and trees for mansions should be not be re-elected. Stand up for what is right and just. Thank you

  5. I like how she is saying why some one got fired. So to me that mean Tom Adams is telling her confidential employee and city information and that shows a lack of caricter, and also I think that is a violation of the brown act so I will be making copy's of the post and forwarding them to the district attorney public integrity unit and the can decide for them self. And one more thing I think tom Adams has more of a revoleing door at his company with employees I wonder why

    1. Actually, I believe Gloria received a letter from one of the city managers informing her of someone being fired.

  6. Anonymous 8:21 AM Lady ... That boat won't float.

  7. I have a question Dan Crandell are you a resident of monrovia or duarte.

  8. TO Anonymous Clan Member 8:59 PM A request for personnel information from an invisible person. I do believe it's a girl and possibly she is offended by something I've written about her clan OR worst yet maybe I've hurt her fully soft warm fragile feelings. She can have me water-boarded over and over again ... I will never TELL!!!!!!

  9. Dan your response seem to border on cyper bulling. I was just wondering what u would say just as I thought. We in the anonymous group are people that know you. We just want you to know that we dont like your views, but we tolerate you and lie to your face. Rember we know your secrets maybe we should post some of them.

  10. I am a jerk and most of my comments are inappropriate. But because I put my name on the post it is acceptable.

  11. Dan Crandell Proud to be ENLIGHTENED and VISABLEApril 15, 2015 at 6:20 PM

    Hay Ladies. It has taken me three months to find you ALL. I'm back. I accept the you challenge to exposed my secrets to the 15-20 viewers of this blog. Find me if you must.
