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Chris Ziegler Election Statement - Running for Monrovia City Council

As a 20-year Monrovia resident, homeowner and volunteer, I am running for City Council because I care about Monrovia’s future.

My experience as a Navy veteran and former financial services IT professional taught me valuable problem-solving skills and the ability to anticipate challenges. I will ask tough questions, prioritize issues and provide the vision to move Monrovia forward, promising to:
  • Value your input, serve you honestly, and restore integrity to Monrovia’s business and political processes. Anything less is unacceptable!
  • Hold town-hall meetings, building a more effective, connected and informed citizenry.
  • Employ experienced resources, crafting smarter policy, building long-term financial prosperity.
  • Seek partnerships with higher-levels of government, addressing macro concerns. We must end Clean Water mandate opposition and capitalize on funding sources to build a cleaner, safer, more enjoyable Monrovia.
  • Work toward more than just a park for residents in “southern” Monrovia. Our city’s fabric must be re-woven to value and include ALL constituents equally.
My volunteer experience is exceptional (see

I encourage you to contact me directly and seek-out individuals who know me personally. What I lack in endorsements from current city government, I make up for with broader vision, grass-roots hard work and dedication to a better Monrovia. If you are satisfied with the status quo, then vote for who they support. If you believe Monrovia deserves a new approach, use your voice and vote to insist on change, moving Monrovia into the future: a future where your representatives are honest and direct, where they responsibly administer the important service they are tasked with delivering, and where OUR TAX DOLLARS are not abandoned in Sacramento or Washington for other cities to appropriate.

We are ALL invested in this great city. Let’s work together, making it even better! Humbly, I ask for your vote.

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