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Stephen Grollnek Election Statement - Running for Monrovia City Council

My name is Stephen Grollnek and I am running for City Council. Most of you know me from writing The Monrovia Shadow, implementing the restaurant rating system and helping people get things done when no one in the City will help them.

Sadly, Monrovia has become a city of potholes, dead trees, rotting pipes, cracked sidewalks and homes being torn down to be replaced by oversized mansions which ruin the City’s history and beauty. All citizens hear from the City is, “We have no money.” Look at the right side of your property tax bill. What are the select few in city government doing with these monies? Businesses are closing at a rapid rate in Old Town. Loans are given to special interest groups and contracts awarded to friends of the City Council and Mayor.

Gloria Crutchington in advance of running for office, was put in charge of the Hillside Preservation Project and attempted to take away our rights on this bond issue. She has also been the linchpin working with special interest condemning older houses in Monrovia to replace them with pseudo-mansions on overbuilt lots.

Robert Perry never met a citizen he likes and only attends City Council meetings when there are bicycle issues discussed. Doesn’t he understand he can’t ride a bike on cracked streets with potholes and branches fallen in the street from untrimmed City trees.

Becky Shevlin, the councilwoman with the million dollar smile, tries to get things done but is stopped at every turn by certain cliques on the Council.

The future of the City is in the hands of you the voter. Help me lead our great city back to the All American City it was.

Stephen H. Grollnek 213: 705-2227.


  1. The current crop of council members believe us all to be stupid and for the most part we are. Our blind ignorance and lack of attention has allowed each of them to believe HIM/HER selves blameless and/or unaccountable for their self serving underhanded double talking activities both at city hall and at that damn site out in Irwindale last year. Each of them will lie to us and most of the others will swear to that lie. I will wait until after this years State of the City address by LUTZ after which l will approach each of them for a RECKONING for misconduct/misrepresentation as I see it. BTW ... I will give consideration to Mr. Grolinek for a seat on OUR City Council.

  2. Mr. Grolinek, in your statement I see a lot of finger pointing, blame placing, and negativity. I dont see any thoughts or ideas from you on how you would bring about change. There is not one reason I can see to vote for you. Anyone can fuss and gripe about things, but WHAT will you DO?!

    1. In that very few people, with exception given to you and me of course, come to the Monrovia Now site for useful/pertinent information. I am quite sure I have learned all I need to know about Mr. Grolinek from this source. In fact had his written statement been any longer I would not have read it. Maybe we should call him. His number is listed above.

    2. There are longer statements than allowed in the 300 word format I could have rendered but hesitated to do so. Call me, please for additional information.

  3. Connie ... Please do not hold your breath for expecting/waiting for a candidate statement from Lutz nor Shevlin . These two candidates believe they are shoe ins because of incumbency. Mr. Grolinek has some hard work ahead to unseat an incumbent in this town. He has made himself available and I will vett him for my vote. What say you?

  4. I think Mr Grollnek has Robert PARRY confused with someone else. Robert is very likeable and gets along well with others often. He has gone to bat for his neighborhood on several issues, bicycles is not one of them that I am aware of.

    1. I agree with you Frank. That 'someone else' has re-engaged for yet another run at a seat on our council. Check out the the candidate applications.
