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Monrovia Schools: New Fencing; Honorees; District Audit; Space for Work Swap

At its Jan. 24 meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will ...

- Hear a report on what it will cost to install new fencing at Mayflower Elementary School and Santa Fe Middle School.

- Congratulate Margaret "Jeanie" Antillon as 1st Place Winner for her essay, "Fighting For My Life," in a national essay contest.

- Honor (along with the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce) these district employees: Mary Peterson, Monroe School office manager; Juana Kramer, Monroe School teacher; Karen Meza Plymouth School playground aide; Jeffrey Crowell, Plymouth School teacher.

- Hear a report on the audit of the school district finances.

- Consider working a deal with Community Media of the Foothills to broadcast the Board of Education's meetings on KGEM in return for office space.

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. In this day in age the school's should be fully fenced/gated. I'm always surprised when I go to Bradoaks and Mayflower how unsecured they are.
