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Monrovia Police: CHP Pursuit; Seizure Causes Accident; Man Arrested in Domestic Violence Incident

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for September 29 - October 1 . - Brad Haugaard]

During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 479 service events, During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 479 service events, resulting in 77 investigations.

Runaway Juveniles Located 
On September 29 at 6:45 p.m., a caller reported two male juveniles walking south on Mountain who appeared to be smoking marijuana and looking into parked vehicles. An officer responded and located the two subjects. Both subjects were determined to be reported runaways from a group home. The subjects were detained. One subject was released to the custody of the group home and the other was arrested on a no-bail juvenile warrant and taken to the Department of Children and Family Services in Los Angeles.

Vehicle Pursuit / California Highway Patrol Outside Assist – Suspect Arrested 
On September 30 at 8:23 p.m., California Highway Patrol phoned Monrovia dispatch to advise they were entering our city at Colorado and Monterey, pursuing a vehicle. Officers quickly located and trailed the pursuit at the request of CHP. The pursuit terminated in the 200 block of East Lemon. Monrovia officers set up a perimeter, as CHP units began verbal communication with the suspect, who had run inside a residence. CHP entered the residence and located the suspect; the suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

Injury Traffic Collison 
On September 30 at 8:44 p.m., a caller phoned police to report they were just involved in a hit and run traffic collision and they were following the suspect. Officers arrived and located the suspect vehicle. After speaking with both parties, it was determined that the suspect had a seizure and struck the victim’s vehicle. The victim sustained minor injury to his leg and complained of pain.

Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested 
On September 30 at 9:59 p.m., officers were dispatched to a residence in the 100 block of North May Avenue regarding the report of domestic violence at the location. The female victim went to a neighboring residence and told the neighbor that her boyfriend had tried to kill her by strangling her. The neighbor was afraid and called the police. The victim went back inside the boyfriend’s residence. Officers arrived and secured the perimeter of the location. The victim’s sister also arrived and was worried because her sister was not answering her cell phone. Monrovia dispatch called the cell phone and the victim answered. She would not answer any of the dispatcher's questions and appeared to be under duress. The phone call was suddenly ended. A short time later, the female ran out the front door and two officers escorted her to safety. A few minutes after that, the male suspect came out and was taken into custody. The male suspect was determined to be the aggressor in the incident and was arrested.

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