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Inauthentic Mexican Restaurant Opening in Monrovia

Devon Restaurant, on the north side of Lemon near Myrtle, has closed and is being replaced with Bull Taco, "inauthentic Mexican." Love it! I think most ethnic restaurants are inauthentic, and probably better for it, but nice to see someone just come out and say it. Put my nose to the window and looks like it's just days from opening. Thanks to Doran for the tip. 

- Brad Haugaard 


  1. When is it suppose to open? Any news on 38 degrees?

  2. From the terrible reviews I've read they should call Bull Taco- "UNAUTHENTIC Mexican."

    1. Give BT a chance they just opened. My son ate at one of the BT restaurants in San Diego. He said they serve 'Mexican style food for skateboarders and surfers.' Sounds cool.
