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Monrovia VFW Honors Students, Receives Fire Fighter's Donation

C/2LT Nathan Lagaspi, CDT(MS3) William Tostenson and C/SSgt Langham Robinson with Moe Stamps. Lagaspi and Robinson are with CAP Squadron 21 in El Monte. Tostenson is a student at Azusa Pacific University  and a member of the Claremont McKenna ROTC detachment.

The Monrovia VFW has given awards for leadership excellence to two Civil Air Patrol cadets from the El Monte Squadron and one to an ROTC cadet from Azusa Pacific. CAP is the auxiliary of the Air Force and offers teens training in aerospace and leadership in a military frame work. Each cadet received a medal, certificate, proclamation from the City of Monrovia, and a grant from the post Memorial Scholarship & Grant Fund to support their educations.

Also, the Monrovia Fire Fighters' Association made a substantial donation (amount currently confidential) to the VFW's Memorial Scholarship & Grant Fund, allowing the post to offer larger grants and scholarships. The Fund accomplishes the organizational goal, "to preserve the memory and history of our dead."  Each grant (including those given to the cadets) comes with a certificate listing every service member from the Monrovia-Arcadia-Duarte area who has been killed in combat.

Source: press release

- Brad Haugaard

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