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Monrovia Council: Condo-Commercial Building on S. Fifth; Rainwater Treatment; Allow a Tear-Down? Cop and Fire Contract

At the Tuesday, May 21 Monrovia City Council meeting (agenda: ) the council will ...

~ Consider preliminary measures that would permit the construction at 1110 and 1212 South Fifth Ave. of a 154-unit multi-family structure with a commercial storefront.

~ Consider an agreement with Arcadia, Azusa, Bradbury, Duarte, Sierra Madre, LA County, and the LA County Flood Control District to treat, as required by law, rainwater runoff. This will cost the city "approximately $133,603.11."

~ Consider an appeal of a homeowner who discovered the cost of rehab-ing his house will be more than he bargained on, about $200,000, so he wants to replace it. Problem: it was built before 1940, so the property is subject to demolition regulations, and it is on the city's list of Potential Historic Landmarks. The Historic Preservation Commission denied his request.

~ Chat in closed session about a contract for the Monrovia police and firefighters.

- Brad Haugaard

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