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Monrovia Competing to Get a Facelift

Old Town Monrovia is the only Southern California "Main Street" competing for a facelift - including paint for facades, porches, railings, shutters and other exterior building trims - against 100 cities across the country.

On Wednesday, Benjamin Moore, a paint manufacturer and color authority, announced its biggest initiative ever to revitalize communities across North America through the launch of "Main Street Matters," according to a press release issued by the paint company.

The campaign asks consumers around the country to cast their vote online for which 20 Main Streets should be revitalized of the more than 100 North American cities nominated at Monrovia was selected by the company, though representatives did not indicate why Monrovia was chosen. The other California cities are Martinez, Gilroy and Eureka.

Monrovia Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said she was very excited to learn about the opportunity - especially when public funds that used to be available to assist with these types of facade improvements have been harder and harder to come by in recent years.

"We are very grateful to be included in this program, and are hoping that Monrovians and all Southern California residents will cast their votes for our beloved Old Town," Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said.

Old Town Monrovia is the symbolic heartbeat of the community, and has proven to be a regional attraction because of its weekly Friday Night Family Festival, beautiful Krikorian Move Theater, and an abundance of quaint stores, eateries and public amenities such as the public library.

The effort will be undertaken with the help of multiple partner organizations around the country, including Make It Right, a long-time partner of Benjamin Moore that was founded by actor-philanthropist Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt will be lending his voice in support of the effort that Benjamin Moore is undertaking with Main Street Matters.

In addition to partner organizations, this effort will be brought to life with local Benjamin Moore dealers and in conjunction with local municipalities, small businesses and local Chambers of Commerce. The effort will begin this summer and the work on repainting these Main Streets will be completed over the next year.

"Our Main Streets are the vital hubs of our communities - and Benjamin Moore and our network of independent dealers have always been integral parts of Main Street," said David Melançon, Chief Marketing Officer of Benjamin Moore. "This investment we're making in communities around North America is core to our business and to who we are; Main Streets make us who we are and we're proud to honor that with this effort.

Benjamin Moore will not only provide the paint and supplies needed for facades, porches, railings, shutters and other exterior building trims, but its color experts will consult on the best choices to enhance the architectural style, regional influences and historic references in each community. Skilled professional painters, many of them members of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America, will be hired, putting another segment of local business to work along with the local Benjamin Moore retailer who will be mixing the paints that are used.

The communications portion of "Main Street Matters", which allows local businesses and community members to tell their stories, includes not only the online component, but also is being supported by an aggressive advertising program. A mix of national and local market TV, radio, online and print ads will hit North America starting in May as part of the company's overall increase in marketing, which is up 61% compared to the previous year.

Voting began at 12:00 a.m. EST on May 16, 2013 and will end at 11:59 p.m. EST on June 30, 2013. Benjamin Moore will post the final list of Main Streets and towns to be repainted on in July.

For more information and a list of nominated cities across the U.S. and Canada, please visit

Source: City of Monrovia press release

- Brad Haugaard

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