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Isla Vista Night at First Presbyterian Church | Monrovia High Dress Code | Pancakes Tomorrow!

~ A night of music and worship at First Presbyterian Church of Monrovia, with "Isla Vista Worship" from Isla Vista Church, Isla Vista, California, and Worship Leader Mac Montgomery.

~ Ever wonder what Monrovia High's dress code was 50 years ago? Yeah, me neather, but here it is: "Skirts could not be any higher than mid-thigh and shirts always had to be tucked in." And, a humorous word for today's boys: "We know why your pants have been sagging so much. We realize it is not your fault, it is the belt manufacturers. So, if you have a defective belt, come to my office and I will give you, free of charge, a brand new set of suspenders to keep your pants up. Wow, what a fashion statement you will make."

~ Monrovia firefighter's pancake breakfast tomorrow (Saturday) from 7-11 a.m. at the Lemon Ave. station.

- Brad Haugaard

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