Monrovia Company Helps Electric Vehicles Drive from Seattle to Canada
- Brad Haugaard
Contract Night for Monrovia City Council
Opinion: One item that caught my eye was that for the graffiti removal contract staff recommends an increased payment due to an "increase in fuel costs." Hmm. That's pretty standard, and fair enough, but fuel prices also go down at times. Does the price the city pays go down if fuel costs decline? If not, why not?
- Brad Haugaard
Keeping Business in Monrovia | CPR Training
~ Also in the report, on June 7 from 9 a.m. to noon is "Sidewalk CPR Day." Monrovia Fire Department will have a booth in front of the Library to teach residents the life-saving technique. Sessions last about 10 minutes.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Backyard Tree Problem Scam, Falling After Hiding from a Bear, Burglaries, Auto Thefts, Drive 25
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 28-30. - Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 487 service events, resulting in 109 investigations.
Domestic Battery
May 28 at 9:21 a.m., a caller reported a male subject assaulting a female subject in the area of Madison and Colorado. Officers arrived and spoke to both subjects. Through investigation it was learned that the male subject is the ex-boyfriend of the female and he was forcefully pushing her to walk with him to the store. She was resisting him, so he clamped his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her hair, trying to force her to walk with him. The victim was not injured, but does desire prosecution. An Emergency Protective Order was issued and served.
Residential Burglary
May 28 at 1:20 p.m., police responded to the report of a residential burglary in the 100 block of Spanner Street. A female Hispanic suspect, approximately 50 years old, approached the front door of the residence, which is occupied by two elderly women and one of the women's daughters. Only one of the women was home at the time and her daughter was sleeping in her room. The suspect spoke to the resident and told her she had purchased the property behind the victim's house and there was a tree problem that she wanted to show her. The suspect and the victim walked to the rear of the property. As they did so, the suspect was on the phone the entire time. Once the suspect left, the victim went back inside her home and found it ransacked and her wallet, cash and jewelry were taken. The victim observed a dark colored, 4-door vehicle in front of the house during this incident. Investigation continuing.
Commercial Burglary
May 28 at 3:13 p.m., a burglary was reported at a business in the 100 block of East Lemon. The suspect(s) forced a gate and used a pry tool to enter a side door to a conference room. The alarm sounded and the suspect(s) forcefully tore a flat screen television from its mount and fled the scene. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
May 28 at 7:55 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 400 block of West Foothill. The victim parked and locked her vehicle in front of the business where she works and left it there over the weekend, as she went out of town. When she returned on Monday evening, the vehicle was gone. The vehicle is a white, 2009, 4-door BMW with paper plates. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
May 29 at 7:59 a.m., a grand theft auto was reported in the 300 block of East Lemon. The victim parked his ATV, a green, 2008 Honda Foreman, in the bed of his pickup truck in his driveway. Suspect(s) removed the ATV from the bed of the truck sometime overnight. Investigation continuing.
Daytime Residential Burglaries
Three daytime residential burglaries occurred in the morning and afternoon hours on May 29. Two occurred in the 100 block of North Alta Vista and one in the 600 block of Terrado. The victim of the first home on Alta Vista is in the process of moving out and had most of her belongings out of the home. She was not able to respond, so a family member secured the house. A list of stolen items will be provided upon her return. Suspect(s) entered the home by prying open a bathroom window.
Suspect(s) entered the second home burglarized on North Alta Vista by removing three glass louvers from the window and then opening it. The victim's house was very full of personal items and it was hard to determine what was taken from the property. The victim reported cash taken.
The third home burglarized is in the 600 block of Terrado. The victim is an elderly female. She left the location at 7:45 a.m. and returned at approximately 1:25 p.m. The suspect(s) went into her garage and obtained a screwdriver and ladder. They made entry through a front window. The house was ransacked and the loss was cash and jewelry. It is unknown if these three burglaries are related. The investigations are continuing.
Stranded Hiker Rescued
May 29 at 8:01 p.m., dispatch received a call from a 43-year-old female. She said she was hiking near the Trask Boy Scout Camp when she saw a bear on the road. She said she was hiding from the bear in some bushes. Her cell phone signal was breaking up and dispatch lost phone contact with her. Officers responded and began a search of the area. The Foothill Air Support helicopter also responded to assist.
After searching the area for approximately one hour, the woman was found 20 feet below the road at the bottom of a steep hill. She said that when she saw the bear, she panicked, backed up and fell down the hill. She was unable to get back to the road without assistance. The Fire Department responded and assisted her up the hill to safety. The woman was not injured.
Theft From a Vehicle
May 30 at 3:26 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of East Hillcrest saw a tall male suspect wearing dark clothes tampering with his unlocked car. The resident yelled at the suspect, who walked away, eastbound on Hillcrest. The loss was a small amount of change.
Grand Theft Auto
May 30 at 7:04 a.m., a green Honda Accord was reported stolen from the 200 block of West Pomona. The victim had parked and locked his vehicle in front of his house in the evening. The vehicle was taken sometime overnight. The El Monte Police Department called later in the day and advised they had recovered the vehicle. It had been stripped and abandoned in their city. Investigation continuing.
Tip of the Week: "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" Campaign
"Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" is a traffic safety campaign to raise awareness of the residential speed limit. In California the speed limit in residential areas is 25 MPH, unless posted otherwise. The goal of the "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" organization and the Monrovia Police Department is working together to end injuries and deaths that result from speeding vehicles in our neighborhoods. The street in front of your home is over twice as dangerous as highways when it comes to number of deaths per miles driven (Federal Highway Administration).
The "Keep Kids Alive Drive 25" organization, the Monrovia Police Department and the Monrovia Unified School District are working collaboratively to create safe streets through education and active community involvement.
Be on TV | Make Monrovia's Fourth Great | Portantino Bill Not So Popular With Hunters | Trail Crew
~ Contribute online to make Monrovia's Fourth of July show great: (I've been the last couple times and it is super!)
~ Some hunters are not happy about a bill by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, to change the name of the "Department of Fish and Game" to the "Department of Fish and Wildlife."
~ Picture of the volunteer crew at work on the trails in Monrovia Canyon Park.
- Brad Haugaard
Portantino Disaster Bill Passes | Hand Grenade | Monrovia Fitness | Rose Tournament Gives to Monrovia Charity
~ Hand grenade in unincorporated Monrovia area.
~ Fitness places in Monrovia.
~ The Tournament of Roses Foundation is donating to the Academy of Music for the Blind in Monrovia.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Prolacta Donates to Make-A-Wish | Tanner EDA Partners with Australian Company
~ Tanner EDA of Monrovia, and Australian Semiconductor Technology Co. have concluded an agreement to deliver "analog/mixed signal IP and custom ASIC design services."
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Senator Says His Student-Protection Amendment Killed
Monrovia Assemblyman: 'Just Voted No On...'
On his Facebook page Donnelly posts his vote on many - if not all - the issues that come before the Assembly. Most of his reports begin with, "Just voted no on..." or even, "I was the only no vote on..." Here are today's:
~ Just voted no on AB 2134 (Chesbro) which mandates that a county that elects to provide assisted outpatient treatment (involuntary mental health treatment by court order) must include in their program crisis intervention teams, mobile crisis teams or psychiatric emergency response teams, and an emphasis on peer support, all of which, however admirable, would make the implementation of an effective program unnecessarily more expensive. The bill passed 42-26
~ Just voted no on AB 2609 (Hueso) which seeks to punish Dan Richards, the head fish and game commissioner, after he legally shot and killed a mountain lion in Idaho. Although not directly attacking Richards, this bill attacks the position of president of the board. The bill passed 55-22.
~ I was the only no vote on AB 2590 (Blumenfield) which requires investor-owned electric utilities to post on their web site any report required by a revision to the Public Utilities Commission's (PUC) Electric Rule 21, if that revision is adopted after Jan. 1, 2012. . This bill is unnecessary because it duplicates the PUC's ongoing effort to improve distribution level interconnection rules and regulations. It passed 67-1.
~ Just voted no on AJR 35 (Williams) which seeks to deny the export of coal to other countries if they don’t follow California’s green agenda. It passed 43-25.
~ Just voted no on AB 1534 (Wieckowski) which forces car dealers to post the fair market price on the window of a car they are trying to sell. If they try to sell the car for any more than the "bluebook" price, there will be two price tags on the car. The bill passed 41-31.
~ Just voted no on AB 1461 (Monning) which prematurely implements the Obamacare and alters California's health insurance market for individual purchasers. The bill passed 42-26.
~ Just voted no on AB 1447 (Feuer) which will impose mandates on certain car dealers. These mandates include forcing dealers to offer warranties on "high risk" cars. If a person wants to enter into a "bad" contract with a dealer and buy a "high risk" car, then that is between them. The state should have nothing to do with it. The bill passed 44-25.
~ Just voted no on AB 2350 (Monning), which is another attempt to implement Obamacare in California by requiring health plans and health insurers, commencing March 31, 2013, to annually provide specified information regarding their plan contracts or policies to the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) or the California Department of Insurance (CDI). With this entire obsession over Obamacare, it would at least be prudent to wait until the Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of it. The bill passed 45-25.
~ Just voted yes on AB 1929 (Gorell) which authorizes military and civilian overseas voters to use a ballot marking machine to allow them to select their choices on a screen, and then print-out a completed ballot for return to election officials. This will make it easier for our servicemen and women to vote in elections back home. The bill passed 68-0.
~ Just voted no on AB 1831 (Dickinson) which prohibits a local agency from inquiring into or considering the criminal history of an applicant, or including any inquiry about criminal history on any initial employment application, until after the employee has been screened and otherwise meets the minimum employment requirements. The measure passed 42-34.
~ Just voted no on AB 2459 (Torres) which requires the 911 Emergency Communications Office to inform the public of the "proper use of 911". This is something that is common sense and the government shouldn’t have to waste taxpayer money on. The bill passed 47-18.
~ Just voted yes on AB 1922 (Lara) which will delete an obsolete test, the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program, that trucks have to pass. There are other requirements that trucks have to meet which are more stringent than this one. Deleting this requirement is just one less burden for truckers. The bill passed 69-0.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Hood Flies Open on Getaway Car, Escaping on Foot on the Freeway, Etc
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 24-27. – Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.
Burglary / Possession of Burglary Tools – Suspects Arrested
May 24 at 4:12 p.m., a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain reported three suspicious subjects, two males and a female, inside the business that have stolen merchandise from several of their store locations. An officer responded and detained one male subject, who consented to a pat-down search. The suspect had wire cutters and a magnetic decoder to remove security tabs on his person, along with items of store merchandise he had taken without paying. As the female suspect exited the business, she was detained and was also found to be in possession of a magnetic decoder. The third male suspect exited, but did not have any items on him. The first suspect admitted he had gone into the store to steal, but claimed the other two did not know. He and the female were arrested and taken into custody. The other male subject was identified and released.
Gang Injunction / Warrant Arrest – Suspects Arrested
May 25 at 1:52 a.m., officers were conducting extra patrol behind a business in the 1100 block of South Magnolia when they saw an opening in the perimeter gate. While checking the area, three subjects were found sleeping in some abandoned apartments. One subject was arrested for the gang injunction, one subject was arrested for a warrant, and the third subject was identified and given a warning to stay out of the location.
Fight in Progress – Suspects Identified
May 25 at 6:22 p.m., a caller reported four subjects fighting in the street at Myrtle and Pomona. As officers were responding, dispatch advised the suspect vehicle was attempting to flee, but the engine hood flew open. This caused enough delay for officers to locate the vehicle as it drove onto the westbound 210 Freeway. Officers conducted a traffic stop on Santa Anita, just north of the freeway, and detained three male subjects and one female. Officers attempted to locate the victim, but he was not found. The suspects were identified and released.
Petty Theft
May 25 at 9:34 p.m., a petty theft was reported at a park in the 300 block of South Myrtle. Three male juveniles were approached by a 16-year-old, male subject who asked to use one of their cell phones to call his mom. The victim handed the suspect his phone; the suspect took the phone and fled the location. He was last seen running west on Palm towards Primrose. He is described as a male Hispanic, 16 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, thin build, approximately 5 foot 11 inches tall. Investigation continuing.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
May 26 at 12:11 p.m., an officer was patrolling the area of Fifth and Huntington when he saw a suspicious vehicle occupied by two male subjects abruptly pull into a business parking lot in an erratic manner. The officer followed behind the vehicle and saw both occupants walk into a business. A DMV computer check revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen from Baldwin Park. The suspects ran out the backdoor of the business and onto the freeway. CHP received several calls from drivers that the suspects were running on the freeway. A witness saw the suspects exit the north side of the freeway. Containment of the area was established, but the suspects were not located.
The suspects are described as being in their 30's. One had tattoos on the left side of his neck. One suspect was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jean shorts and a fedora type hat. The other was wearing a light blue hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. The vehicle was recovered and the investigation is continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
May 27 at 9:10 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 block of West Lemon. The victim parked and locked their Chevy Tahoe in their assigned parking space. When they returned to the vehicle, they noticed the doors ajar and the two back leather seats were missing. The suspect(s) most likely used a Slim Jim to gain entry into the vehicle. Investigation continuing.
Vehicle Burglary
May 27 at 10:03 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block of South Myrtle. A gardener had his tools stolen from his truck. The tools have his initials etched on them. He had been working around the grounds in the area, and when he returned to his truck for additional tools, he found someone had broken into his truck. Investigation continuing.
Theft From a Vehicle
May 28 at 12:39 p.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 800 block of West Olive. The victim parked his vehicle in his carport, but did not lock the driver's door. When he returned to his car the next day in the afternoon, he found his property was missing from the vehicle. The items taken were an Ipod, the vehicle radio, and a DVD player.
Domestic Violence / Warrant – Suspect Arrested
May 28 at 2:22 a.m., officers responded to a location in the 900 block of South Fifth regarding a disturbance. They spoke to a female subject, who said she was involved in an altercation with the father of her children. She sustained visible injuries, so the male suspect was arrested. It was later discovered that he also had an outstanding warrant, which was added to his charges.
Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity
Assault Investigation / Gang Injunction Served
On May 25, the Special Enforcement Team worked DAMAGE (Duarte and Monrovia Anti-Gang Enforcement) with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and Parole. The team assisted patrol with an assault investigation at Myrtle and Pomona. DAMAGE members located the suspect vehicle on the 210 Freeway, traveling westbound, and conducted a high-risk stop on Santa Anita, north of the 210 Freeway. They detained three known gang members. Two were served with the gang injunction.
Gang Injunction Served / Gang Injunction Violation / Warrant Arrest
On May 27, Special Enforcement Team officers worked a large church fiesta in the 700 block of South Shamrock for gang suppression. The team assisted patrol with a fight in the 600 block of Royal Oaks, near the location. Two gang members were served with the gang injunction, and another gang member was arrested for violation of the gang injunction. A fourth gang member was also served with the gang injunction at the police department when he was arrested and taken in for an outstanding warrant.
Bear in Pool | Police vs Firefighters | Legal Seminar | Partial Freeway Closures | Hiring | New Dentist
~ Police vs. Firefighters in "Battle of the Badges" basketball game to benefit American Cancer Society. June 1, 6:30 p.m. at Monrovia High gym. $5 entry fee. Kids 12 and under free.
~ Free "Stay Out of Court" seminar at the Library, June 2, 1-3 p.m. 256-8274 to reserve a spot. Divorce, credit card debt, medical debt, neighbor and workplace issues, landlord or tenant problems.
~ Potential closure of up to three east AND westbound lanes for Gold Line bridge construction through June 9. Closures will begin no earlier than 10 p.m. and end no later than 1 p.m. the following day.
~ Urbane Beauty Care is hiring front desk person.
~ New Monrovia dental office.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Budget Study Session
- Brad Haugaard
Opinion: Monrovia's Congressional Haircut
Google map showing Monrovia Congressional split.
Let's say you are discussing the upcoming primaries with someone who lives on the opposite side of Hillcrest in north Monrovia, and as each of you is discussing a different set of candidates you begin to fear that perhaps your neighbor is a doofus.
Well, fear not for your neighbor.
In its wisdom, the state redistricting folks chopped the top part of Monrovia off and placed it in the 27th Congressional District (which also includes Bradbury, Arcadia, Pasadena and points west), and everything south of the Hillcrest-Greystone line in the 32nd Congressional District (which includes Covina, West Covina and points east).
If you want to see for yourself, take a half hour or so to figure out this poorly-labeled web site:
UPDATE: Alex Zucco provides an easier-to-use website: (Thanks Alex!)
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Company to Help Provide In-Vehicle Entertainment
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Pitching Staff | Primary Recommendations
~ In the primaries, for the Monrovia area, the Star-News recommends Grace Napolitano (Democrat) and David Miller (Republican) for the 32nd Congressional District and Judy Chu (Democrat) and Jack Orswell (Republican) for the 27th Congressional District (Monrovia has been split into two congressional districts); Carol Liu (Democrat) and Gilbert Gonzales (Republican) for 25th State Senate District; and Victoria Rusnak (Democrat) and Donna Lowe (Republican) for the 41st Assembly District.
- Brad Haugaard
Memorial Day | Monrovia Teen Program | Relay for Life
~ There will be a supervised teen program each Friday night until late August at Library Park.
~ Relay for Life will be held June 2 and 3 in Recreation Park to raise awareness of cancer.
- Brad Haugaard
The Governor's May Revision: Impact on Monrovia Schools
Even if we were to take all allowable days (to the detriment of our students) we would only be half way to solving the budget nightmare we face if the tax initiative does not pass.
whenever possible.
Monrovia Baseball to Semifinals | Summer Art Show | Huff on Budget
Monrovia Assemblyman's License Plate Bill Passes
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Restaurant Devon,
- Brad Haugaard
Removing Old Track for Gold Line | Activist to Lead Democracy Writing Workshop at Monrovia Library
Opinion: This reminds me, Library. If you want a local Japanese-American writer to speak or lead a workshop, may I suggest Naomi Hirahara. I read her award-winning "Summer of the Big Bachi" and several other of her mysteries, which - unlikely though it sounds - feature as the detective an elderly Japanese gardener named Mas Arai, and somehow they really work. Great books and lots of local (Pasadena/LA-area) color.
KNX to Broadcast from Monrovia | Softball Defeat :(
~ Beaumont over Monrovia in softball.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia's Tough Budget
been adversely affected by the loss of our redevelopment agency and
other declining revenues." She says "it's particularly frustrating
that municipal agencies—cities, school districts, and other agencies
that provide specialized local services—continue to be financially
pressed by the sluggish economy and competing state and federal
government priorities."
- Brad Haugaard
Could AeroVironment Drones Provide Emergency Communications? | Monrovia's IZZE Celebrates 10 Years | Verizon Store Hiring | Monrovia-Bishop Amat Game
~ IZZE Beverage Co. of Monrovia is celebrating ten years of delivering all-natural sparkling juice beverages. (Never even knew it was in town, but it's headquarters is on S. Mayflower)
~ The Verizon store next to Daphne's is hiring.
~ Reflections on the Monrovia-Bishop Amat baseball game.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia PD Gas Tips
gas tips from The Gas Company:
Leaking gas from any damaged pipeline or gas meter could cause a fire,
explosion, property damage and serious bodily injury.
Follow these guidelines if you encounter a leaking gas pipe or meter:
REMAIN calm.
DON'T light a match, candle or cigarette.
DON'T turn electrical devices on or off, including light switches.
DON'T start an engine or use any device, including a telephone, which
could cause a spark.
IMMEDIATELY EVACUATE the area, and from a safe location, call SoCalGas
at 1-800-427-2200 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
CALL 911 promptly after evacuating the area if the damage results in a
natural gas leak that may endanger life or cause bodily harm or
property damage.
DO NOT attempt to control the leak or repair the damaged pipe or
meter. Do not use or turn off any equipment that could cause a spark.
Motorized or electrically powered equipment or vehicles may create an
ignition source if a gas leak is present. Safely abandon any motorized
or powered equipment or vehicles. Gas leaking from a plastic pipe can
create static electricity that can ignite the gas.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Coppers Look for Copper Burglar, Gas Leak, Thefts, Etc.
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 21-23. – Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 478 service events, resulting in 92 investigations.
Fire Assist / Gas Leak
May 21 at 1:33 p.m., police responded to assist the Fire Department on a reported gas leak. A contractor working at a location in the 100 block of West Colorado struck a gas line, causing a leak. Residents near the location were evacuated for their safety. The residents were sheltered at the Community Center and a secondary location in the 100 block of West Olive. The Gas Company responded and fixed the problem.
Residential Burglary
May 21 at 10:39 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 1100 block of Orange. The burglary occurred sometime between 3 and 9 p.m. Unknown suspect(s) entered through an unlocked rear window and jewelry was stolen. Investigation continuing.
Stolen Vehicle Recovered
May 22 at 3:12 p.m., an officer on patrol in the 200 block of East Chestnut located a stolen vehicle parked in the alley. The vehicle is a 1996 Honda Accord that was stolen out of the City of Claremont. Residents in the area stated the vehicle had been parked there for about three days, and no one had been seen around the vehicle. The vehicle was recovered and Claremont Police Department was notified.
Commercial Burglary
On May 23 at 4:58 a.m., dispatch received a report of an alarm activation at a business in the 100 block of West Pomona. When officers arrived, they found the door to the business had been pried open. Copper wire and pipes had been stolen. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto / Vehicle Recovered
On May 23 at 8:47 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen in the 1200 block of Alta Vista. The Vehicle is a black 1996 Honda. There were no known suspects or evidence at the scene. The vehicle was later recovered in Victorville by San Bernardino Sheriff's Department who also printed the car for us. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Motorcycle
On May 23 at 7:28 a.m., a motorcycle was reported stolen in the 300 block of West Duarte Road. The motorcycle is a black 1988 Yamaha YSR. No known suspects or evidence found. Investigation continuing.
Commercial Burglary / Attempt Fraud
On May 23 at 4:55 p.m., an officer responded to the 600 block of Huntington Drive regarding a Commercial Burglary and Fraud occurring in three businesses. A female had used a fraudulent credit card two times prior and was recognized by the store staff when she attempted to buy products using a fraudulent card again. When they advised her they were calling the credit card company, she fled from the store. The suspect is described as a female white or Hispanic, 5-5, 25 years old, blonde hair and appears to be pregnant. As she fled she was joined by a Hispanic male wearing a sports type jersey. It was later determined that the male suspect had also attempted two fraudulent purchases in the 600 block of Huntington. The male suspect fled when officers arrived in the area. A search was conducted but the male and female were not found. A total of three incidents of burglary/fraud were established in which the male or the female were the suspects. Investigation continuing.
Medical Assist
May 23 at 8:31 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of North Alta Vista regarding a call of a male who collapsed and was possibly having a heart attack. When the officer arrived he administered CPR for approximately 2-3 minutes before paramedics arrived. As of this morning, the subject is recovering in the Intensive Care Unit.
Recovered Stolen Vehicle
On May 23 at 11:04 p.m., an officer was in the 300 block of West Cypress on a different call when he observed a suspicious vehicle parked at the location and ran the plate. The vehicle was reported stolen out of Azusa.
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia / Arrested
On May 24 at 3:24 a.m., officers responded to the 600 block of West Olive regarding subjects drinking in the park. Officers detained several subjects; one subject was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. The others were field interviewed and released.
Monrovia Charities Get $15k | Social Media Marketing
~ Free seminar on "Social Media Marketing Made Simple" by HUTdogs, Tuesday, June 5, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Grand Slam Sports Center, 140 East Duarte Rd., and Wednesday, June 27, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Library. Grand Slam info ( ) and Library info ( ).
- Brad Haugaard
New Technology in Lawn Signs
- Brad Haugaard
U.S Army Buys Switchblades from Monrovia Firm
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Beats Bishop Amat | USO Show Pix
~ Some pictures from Saturday's USO show in Library Park.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia High Track Successes
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Man Arrested in Murder Case | Hong Kong Market Opening | Spelling Bee Video | Power Outage
~ Hong Kong Market to open on Duarte Road in Monrovia.
~ Video of Citywide Zom-bee Spelling Bee winners.
~ Hour-long power outage caused by unknown object striking power equipment.
- Brad Haugaard
New Wasp Drone from Monrovia's AeroVironment
"Wasp AE completes our fully digital family of small unmanned aircraft systems and incorporates the advanced capabilities of Puma and Raven into a smaller, lighter and more portable package for rapid deployment and minimal logistics support,†said Roy Minson, AeroVironment senior vice president.
- Brad Haugaard
Portantino Supports Legislator Pay Cut | Xencor B-Cell Medicine in Clinical Trials
~ Monrovia-based Xencor and Germany's MorphoSys AG have enrolled patient enrollment in the phase 1 clinical trial evaluating MOR208, an "anti-CD19 antibody with a proprietary modification to the Fc portion, that is being developed to treat B-cell malignancies."
- Brad Haugaard
Did Assembly Approve Bill as Rebuke to Monrovia Assemblyman? | Church Fiesta | Monrovian Arrested
~ Immaculate Conception Church Fiesta will be held Friday-Sunday May 25-27. "Fun, Food, Games, Raffles, Concerts, and much more!"
~ Monrovian arrested in connection with beating at Dodger Stadium.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Watching His Car Drive Away, Beating Because of Phone Pictures, Contributing to Delinquency of Minors, Etc
Pix of Monrovia Parade | Green Dot Deal | Gold Line Backing Off Parking Promise?
~ Monrovia's Green Dot has signed a deal with Dollar Tree to distribute Green Dot's prepaid credit cards.
~ Arcadia is worried that the Gold Line may not build as substantial a parking center at the train station as originally indicated. Hmmm, I wonder if there are Monrovia implications here.
- Brad Haugaard
Scenes from Monrovia Days

Second Monrovia Fountain to Falls Race Gets Started
Runners approach Myrtle and Hillcrest in the second annual Fountain to the Falls race. The beginning of Monrovia Days events.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia High Math Instructor Loses Battle with Cancer
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia School Board to Consider Contract with Web Hosting Company
Opinion: I complained about the cost of this as originally presented and am glad to see it is now $8,184 less. Though I think $13,974 is still far too high, this is significantly better.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Assemblyman to Unions: Bring it On! | Huff on Budget
~ Video: Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, is not impressed with the Governor Brown's May Budget Revision.
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Starlight Express
- Brad Haugaard
Will Gold Line Stop at Azusa for Foreseeable Future?
Gold Line spokesman Habib Balian says that Metro staff "assumes the Foothill Extension to Claremont won't be fully funded until all other Measure R projects are completed and the Measure R debt service is paid off. They anticipate that will occur around the year 2050, and then 'because we are priority project,' the extension to Claremont would 'likely' be first in line for funding.
Habib adds, "This contradicts the 2008 initiative, when the project was clearly defined from Pasadena to Claremont - a key point of the Congress Members letter [ ], as they urge Metro to correct this error in the upcoming Expenditure Plan."
Source: Gold Line press release
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Over Chino | Police vs. Fire
~ Monrovia Police vs Monrovia Fire in basketball.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia City Website Hacked to Stop Global Warming

Opinion: Some unsolicited advice. Apparently Warwick, Rhode Island, was similarly hacked (according to LatinHackTeam's Twitter comment) so maybe the folks there, who now have their website up and running, know a good solution:
Update: The city site is back online
Getting Ready to Pour Concrete in June for Gold Line Bridge
- Brad Haugaard
Free Calendars at Monrovia Fire Department | Fourth of July | Death on 210 | CPR | Brush Clearance

Local Congress Members Say Gold Line Should Develop Comprehensive Plan
Source: Gold Line press release
- Brad Haugaard
Watch Out! Monrovia Police Looking for Unbuckled Seat Belts
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Hero Cop Rescues Family, Burglary From Car, Fraud and Stolen Property
Support Monrovia School | Tiger Mosquito | New Unity Center Director | Obama Not Paying Your Gas Bill
~ Oops. Tiger mosquito is back, next door in El Monte.
~ Feature about new Foothill Unity Center Executive Director Betty R. McWilliams.
~ President Obama is not paying your utility bill. Watch out for scammers who say he will and ask for personal info.
- Brad Haugaard
Drone Made by Monrovia's AeroVironment May be Fitted With Warhead
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Days Activities
Also, here is the dunk-tank schedule and victims (May 19: 100 block of W. Palm Ave.):
1:00-1:10 p.m. - Police Chief Jim Hunt
1:15-1:25 p.m. - MHS Principal Darvin Jackson
1:30-1:40 p.m. - Mayor Pro Tem Joe Garcia
1:45-1:55 p.m. - Council Member Becky Shevlin
2:00-2:10 p.m. - Mayor Mary Ann Lutz
2:15-2:25 p.m. - City Spokesman Dan Bell
- Brad Haugaard
Escape From Burning Monrovia Home | Green Dot Hit By Competition | Breastfeeding Support Group
~ The stock of Monrovia's Green Dot Corporation, which provides prepaid credit cards, has been down lately (3.26 percent today), apparently in response to other financial companies with deep pockets getting into the prepaid card biz.
~ Creative Woman (aka Wizard of Bras) is sponsoring a free breastfeeding support group Wednesday, May 16, from 9:30-10:30 a.m. at the store, at the corner of Myrtle and the freeway.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Assemblyman, Senator, Slam Governor's Budget
Huff: “Despite an 11% unemployment rate, two million Californians out of work, and California being ranked the worse state in the nation to do business 8-years in a row, the Governor and Democrats have no proposals to help grow the economy or to help our small business community.”
Donnelly: "The Governor's May Budget Revision is unbelievable, but not surprising. He continues to increase spending by $12.4 billion in the midst of nearly $16 billion deficit and he relies on the taxpayers to cover the bill. Worse yet, he is using scare tactics to try to bully people into approving another tax hike."
-Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Head Bang iPhone Snatch, Burglary, Burning Banner, Etc.
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for Ay 10-13 – Brad Haugaard]
Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.
Petty Theft / Possession of Methamphetamine / Suspect Arrested
On May 10 at 3:51 p.m., an officer responded to the 1600 Block of South Mountain regarding a suspect detained for theft. The suspect had entered the store with the intent to purchase items but determined they were too expensive. The suspect had the ability to pay for the items. A search of the suspect's wallet revealed a usable amount of methamphetamine. The suspect was arrested for petty theft and possession of methamphetamine.
Domestic Violence – Suspect Arrested
On May 10 at 7:39 p.m., officers responded to 1800 block of Eighth Avenue, regarding a family disturbance. When officers arrived, they found the victim, the father, and two children waiting outside the residence. Through the investigation, it was determined that the wife was the primary aggressor and was arrested. An emergency protective order was requested by the father. The wife was arrested for domestic violence.
Petty Theft with Priors / Parole Hold / Suspect Arrested
On May 10 at 10:06 p.m., an officer responded to the 500 block of West Huntington regarding a suspect in custody for shoplifting. A computer check revealed the suspect had three or more prior petty theft arrests and was on parole. The suspect was arrested for petty theft with priors and a parole hold was obtained.
Failure of Yield / Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
On May 10 at 10:28 p.m., an officer observed a vehicle weaving. He attempted a traffic stop, but the driver failed to yield and continued on. The driver went north on Grand to Sierra Vista where he pulled over just shy of his residence. The driver was subsequently arrested for driving under the influence and failure to yield.
Grand Theft Auto
On May 11 at 8:48 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen in the 600 block of East Colorado. The victim had parked his vehicle, a red, 2005 Honda in front of his residence. The following morning he discovered the vehicle missing. Investigation continuing.
Critical Missing
On May 11 at 12:30 p.m., a report was received regarding a missing juvenile who was seen on a bus in Monrovia. Officers conducted an investigation and determined that the missing juvenile returned to her mother's home in Los Angeles. Officers were able to confirm with Department of Children and Family Services that the juvenile was safe and in her mother's custody.
Residential Burglary
On May 11 at 2:47 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 600 block of West Walnut sometime between 7:00 a.m. and 2:20 p.m. When the victim returned they found the screen off of the front window. A lap top computer, TV and other electronics were stolen. Investigation continuing.
Strong Arm Robbery
On May 11 at 7:59 p.m., officers responded to 600 block of West Huntington, regarding a robbery. The victim, a customer, was sitting at a table using his laptop and had his black, iphone on the table. The suspect entered the store, looked around as if he was going to buy coffee. He walked behind the victim, pushed the victim's head down onto the table with one hand while he grabbed the iphone with the other hand. The suspect then walked out and fled on foot. The suspect is described as a male, black, early 20's, 6'3", medium build, light complexion wearing an over sized T-shirt, white pants, and had corn roll hair style. Investigation continuing.
On May 12 at 7:44 p.m., an officer responded to the 900 block of East Lemon to investigate a fire at the school. The door of classroom 13 was on fire. Apparently a school banner was suspended in the air, above classroom 13. As the banner burned to the ground, it caught the classroom door on fire. The fire was extinguished immediately and structure damage was minimal. The investigation is continuing.
Possession of Controlled Substance
On May 13 at 12:35 a.m., an officer stopped a vehicle for a lighting equipment violation. A subsequent investigation revealed marijuana and several ecstasy pills inside of the locked glove box. Both suspects were arrested.
Grand Theft Auto
On May 13 at 10:34 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen in the 400 South Magnolia. The victim parked his vehicle in front of his house. The vehicle is a 2000, Honda, Civic. Investigation continuing.
Grand Theft Auto
On May 13 at 4:42 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of Kruse regarding a stolen vehicle. The victim parked his vehicle on the street in front of his house. The vehicle was a 2008 black GMC truck. The keys were not accounted for. Investigation continuing.
Theft / Receiving Stolen Property – Suspects Arrested
On May 13 at 12:56 p.m., Arcadia Police Officers interrupted a theft in progress occurring at 3000 block of Peck Road. Arcadia Police officers detained two suspects pending Monrovia Police Department's arrival, as the theft occurred in Monrovia's jurisdiction. An officer handled the investigation and discovered the suspects jumped over the wall at a facility and stole boat parts. The suspect's pick up truck was also loaded with other property suspected to be stolen from other locations. Officers took custody of the suspects. Investigation continuing.
Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity
Parole Violation
On May 11 at 7:19 p.m., the Special Enforcement Team officers stopped a vehicle in the 2600 block of Peck Road after observing it parked by a school. The officer saw one of the occupants enter the school grounds. During the stop it was determined the subject was a sex offender and was on parole. Parole was notified and violated his parole for being on school grounds.
- Brad Haugaard
Napolitano to Speak to Monrovia Democrats
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Hero Dog | Bridge Almost Ready for Concrete | Huff on Budget
~ Gold Line reports that "the I-210 Bridge formwork is almost ready for concrete. The architectural form-liners are nearly all in place and reinforcing steel is being installed."
~ Video: Senator Bob Huff, who represents Monrovia, reports that there the budget gap California faces is worse than anticipated and that there are "a bunch of" tax initiatives up for consideration.
- Brad Haugaard
Panera Bread? | Police Need Help | Gymnastics | Personnel Budget | Volunteer
~ Police need help identifying disabled woman.
~ Club Champion Gymnastics to open in Monrovia.
~ Details of the budget of the Monrovia Schools Personnel Commission.
~ Mayor Mary Ann Lutz reports that Amanda Aguliar of Monrovia is Congressman Dreier's 2012 Youth Volunteer of the Year.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Has Unexpected Increase in Graffiti | Assessment Increase? | Oak Tree Money | Equipment Maintenance | Chaplains | Recycling
~ Hear a report that there have been "unanticipated increases of graffiti" during fiscal year 2011-12 and so monthly graffiti removal costs have increased more than expected. City staff recommends that the city allow an additional $12,469.50 this fiscal year to pay graffiti removal company William Marino Enterprises.
~ Consider setting a public hearing about raising the citywide landscape and lighting assessment fee (currently about $56.23 for a typical single family dwelling) by the increase in the consumer price index, for a maximum rate increase of $10.89.
~ Consider applying for some of the $2.5 million grant money being offered by LA County to plant oak trees in areas hit by tree loss in the recent windstorm.
~ Consider paying an additional $44,320 for this fiscal year to Parking Company of America (which does equipment maintenance for Monrovia).
~ Welcome Monrovia Police Department Chaplains Jonathan Landon, Terrence Brown and Jerry Johnson, who will be introduced by Police Chief Jim Hunt.
- Brad Haugaard
Lunch at Mediterranean Kabob Room
Lunch a few days ago at the Mediterranean Kabob Room on Myrtle. Got a Gyro plate. Came with a nice garden salad. I didn't realize gyros were made of lamb, and I'm not a lamb fan. But with the nice sauces and hummus it was just fine. About $11 with ice tea and tax.
- Brad Haugaard
Clues in Monrovia Library Lead to Marriage Proposal
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Visits Local Businesses | Fire Department Gets Smart Classroom | Gold Line Gets Award | Monrovia Day Details
~ Monrovia Fire Department is one of 21 sites throughout the County that will be outfitted with a “Smart Classroom†for training. Using Homeland Security grant funds, Monrovia will receive new Cisco technology that will allow for real-time, interactive training with other fire departments throughout the region. Details here:
~ Gold Line Construction Authority gets second award for its website.
~ Details on upcoming Monrovia Day events.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia loses Baseball Championship to Temple City :-(
- Brad Haugaard
Portantino de-Branding Bill Clears Assembly
The bill, by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino, who represents part of Monrovia, now goes to the Senate.
Current free tattoo removal programs are limited to former members of gangs; this bill will expand the program to allow for young prostitutes between the ages of 14 and 24 to take part in the tattoo removal programs. The existing program is federally funded, so no state funds will be used to support this measure.
Source: Portantino press release
- Brad Haugaard
Tips from Monrovia Police to Prevent Vehicle Burglaries
a vehicle to burglarize or steal from. It is up to you to make every
effort to prevent your car from being targeted. Here are some basic
tips that will make your vehicle a little less inviting to a thief:
- Most importantly - LOCK your vehicle!
- Always park in well-lighted areas.
- Install motion lights in your driveway.
- Install and use a vehicle alarm.
- DO NOT leave valuables in plain view.
- Leave all items of value at home if possible.
- Look around when you park. Notice anyone or anything suspicious?
Write down license plates and descriptions. Alert on-site security
or staff and call the police.
Many auto burglaries or thefts from cars occur right in a residential
driveway, and too often it is because the vehicle was never locked.
Suspects will often target cars that are left unlocked, walking up and
down a street trying car doors all the way. Take the time to secure
your vehicle.
Other thieves target victims by watching what is placed inside a trunk
or hatch. If you plan on stopping by the gym, park, or elsewhere after
work, take the time before you leave to place your belongings safely
in the trunk. Don't wait until you park to then transfer your laptop,
purse, bag, or briefcase to the trunk. Thieves may be watching and
targeting your car.
These are just a few tips to help prevent you from becoming a victim
of vehicle burglary. Be proactive, look around, and most importantly,
don't hesitate to call the police if you see something or someone
Source: Monrovia Police newsletter
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Police: Suspect Accidentally Calls Cops on Self, Runaway, Molester Back to Prison
[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 7-9 – Brad Haugaard]
During the last seven-day period, the Police Department handled 435 service events, resulting in 93 investigations.
Vehicle Burglary
May 8 at 4:20 a.m., dispatch received a 9-1-1 call from a cell phone. When the dispatcher answered, she could hear an open line with suspicious background noises. The noises varied from the sound of something being dragged, to papers being shuffled through, to a door chime from a vehicle. The dispatcher used GPS to plot the location of the cell phone to the 500 block of King Street. Officers responded to the area and located a female subject hiding in a vehicle. She had stolen property from at least three different vehicles in her possession, two of which were locked. It appears the suspect accidentally dialed 9-1-1 while she was burglarizing cars. Investigation continuing.
Injury Traffic Collision – Vehicle vs. Pedestrian
May 7 at 12:50 p.m., officers responded to a traffic collision involving a vehicle and a pedestrian in the area of Ivy and Walnut. When officers arrived, they found a subject in the street who had been riding a motorized scooter. The subject was riding east on Walnut and failed to stop for the stop sign at the intersection. He was struck by a motorist traveling south on Ivy. The subject suffered a deep laceration to his left leg, but was responsive and appeared to be okay. He was taken to an area hospital to treat his injury.
Commercial Burglary
May 9 at 5:00 p.m., two male Armenian suspects, one in his 20's and the other in his 40's, stole $500.00 worth of wire from the Home Depot. An employee obtained a vehicle description and license plate number. Investigation continuing
Critical Missing Person
May 9 at 8:06 p.m., a 12-year-old girl was reported missing from her foster home in the 500 block of East Walnut. Earlier that day, she was caught stealing money from another foster child. She said she did not want to live at the location and apparently ran away. She is not from the area and has no connection to anyone locally. Patrol and Special Enforcement Team officers conducted an extensive search. Officers went door-to-door attempting to locate the missing girl or witnesses, but the subject was not located. She was entered as a missing person in the computer system and a teletype was sent to notify surrounding agencies. During the investigation, it was learned that the missing girl had been entered into the system as a runaway from a group home and has an outstanding protective custody warrant. Investigation continuing.
Recovered Stolen Vehicle
May 10 at 12:28 a.m., a resident in the 600 block of Hacienda reported that a male subject parked a vehicle in front of her house, left the door open and ran northbound down the street. Minutes prior to the resident's call, Sheriff's deputies were in pursuit of a similar vehicle, which had been stolen the City of Rialto. The deputies lost the vehicle in the area of Evergreen and Buena Vista. Officers responded to the location on Hacienda and searched the area, but were unable to locate the suspect. The vehicle was confirmed to be stolen. Investigation continuing.
Detective Bureau Case Follow-Up
A case of child molestation was brought to the attention of the Monrovia Police Department Detective Bureau and an investigation was launched. The child molester in this case started molesting his 15-year-old second cousin many years ago. The suspect was arrested, charged and convicted for the ongoing molestation, and he was sentenced to 18 months in prison in April of 2010.
The suspect in this case was released in early 2012, and he reestablished a relationship with the victim. The victim is now over the age of 18, but the suspect was specifically ordered by the judge in this case to not contact the victim when he was released. Monrovia Police Detectives went to a location in the City of El Monte and arrested the suspect for violation of court order. He was brought before the judge and sentenced to 3 years in State Prison.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovia Gang Member to be Sentenced
- Brad Haugaard
New Monrovia Doggy Day Care Center | Pie Contest
~ A pie contest to help battered-women programs.
- Brad Haugaard
Monrovian is New Arcadia High Principal | Memorial Day
~ Monrovia city and school offices will be closed on Memorial Day, May 28. A Memorial Day Program will be held in Monrovia's Live Oak Memorial Park.
- Brad Haugaard
Patch Websites Doing Better Financially
Comment: Is Patch going to make it? I'm still dubious, but I hope it does. The country needs local journalism and this is one of the great experiments in providing it in the Internet age.
- Brad Haugaard
Deadline to Be On Monrovia Board or Commission
- Brad Haugaard
Dueling Pancake Breakfasts in Monrovia
- Brad Haugaard
Baseball Championship: Monrovia vs Temple City
- Brad Haugaard
AeroVironment's Tom Herring Becomes Monrovia Company's Chief Operating Officer
- Brad Haugaard
AeroVironment Wins Seattle Airport Contract | Monrovia High's Ranking | Recent Filming | Unitek | Candidates
~ Monrovia High is 1,083-best high school in the country, and 217 within California.
~ Recent filming in town.
~ Monrovia's 3M Unitek today launched the Unitek Treatment Management Portal, "an advanced orthodontic software platform that combines the latest in digital model imaging with state-of-the-art interactive technology to enable customized treatment planning for orthodontic patients."
~ Assembly district candidate's forum.
- Brad Haugaard
Barbecue for Babies at Monrovia's Recreation Park
Monrovian Losing Weight for $10,000 Prize
- Brad Haugaard