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Portantino Tatoo-Removal Bill Advances

The state Senate has advanced a bill authored by Assemblymember Anthony Portantino (who represents part of Monrovia) which provides a new start for young women branded or tattooed by pimps. The Senate Public Safety Committee unanimously and with bi-partisan support approved Portantino’s AB 1956 today (7 to 0). The bill provides a first step in breaking the bonds of prostitution by allowing young women branded by pimps to take part in free tattoo removal programs. These women were left out of a federal program designed to offer young people the opportunity to remove gang tattoos.

"This bill helps generate a new start for young women who need to break free from the intimidating and troubling world of trafficking and prostitution," Portantino said.

Source: Portantino press release

- Brad Haugaard

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