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No Money to Build Gold Line Past Azusa?

Gold Line Extension spokesman Habib F. Balian said the Metro board has indicated that there will be no more money to complete the rail line past Azusa, even if the Measure R sales tax passes.

He writes:

"This is extremely disappointing since the San Gabriel Valley legislators worked hard in 2008 to define the project to Claremont, and Metro staff helped sell Measure R to voters by specifying the project to Claremont in their materials."

"On several occasions of late," Habib writes, "Metro has misinterpreted our request to be included in the expenditure plan. The misconception voiced by Metro is that we are insisting on funding the remainder of the project exclusively using Measure R funds. Not true. We are simply requesting to be treated like every other under-funded Measure R project. We ask that they include the true total cost to complete the Foothill Extension to Claremont in the expenditure plan, and provide a strategy for funding project completion through a combination of federal, state and local funds - like every other project. Not special treatment, just funding commensurate with the dictates of the Measure R promises; not more, and certainly not less."

Also, good story on the issue by San Gabriel Valley Tribune writer Steve Scauzillo:

Opinion: Welll, I'm not sure I see any reason why anybody in the San Gabriel Valley should vote for Measure R.

- Brad Haugaard

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