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Monrovia to Get Redesigned Website; Contracts with Lobbying Firm, Chamber of Commerce

At its July 3 meeting (agenda: ) the Monrovia City Council will consider several one-year contract extensions, including ...

~ With Mad Haus Creative, to redesign (and host and maintain) the city's website for $21,600. The company already hosts and maintains the website. (Comment: $21,600 seems a very fair price for redesigning, hosting and maintaining the site, but it seems very high for just hosting/maintaining. Since redesign is just an occasional cost, I think I'd break this into two separate contracts, one for redesign and one for maintenance/hosting.)

~ with the Washington D.C. lobbying firm, David Turch and Associates, for $24,000.

~ With the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce (for $48,688) to help the city produce "city-wide events and marketing opportunities."

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