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Monrovia to Adopt Tight But Balanced Budget | After Redevelopment | Fire Department Survey

~ If you are interested in the city's budget, the situation appears to be that money is tight but we're slowly doing a bit better, and the city plans to adopt a balanced budget on June 19. Here is a helpful slideshow ( ), and if you are a glutton for this sort of thing, here  are several useful documents:

~ So with redevelopment killed by the state, how will Monrovia compensate? In the weekly City Manager's Report, City Manager Laurie K. Lile writes: "Moving forward is the launch of the Business Visitation program, the Fill Up Old Town Campaign and increased partnerships with brokers and the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce. As we look ahead, it will be more important than ever to build and maintain relationships, continue to enhance a business attraction strategy and develop a more comprehensive job development program."

~ If you have had dealings with the Monrovia Fire Department, you may wish to take the department's short customer satisfaction survey:

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. If you look at the numbers it is the police and fire who are nearly taking 45% of the general fund just for pers costs. That is where the budget has to be reined in. 3% at 50 is the pension formula for safety personnel. That has to come to a complete halt it is just not sustainable!!!!
