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Monrovia Schools: Budget Woes, Labor Contract, Borrowing to Pay the Bills

Among other items at the Monrovia School Board's June 27 meeting meeting (agenda: ) are these ...

~ Here's the proposed budget for the school district. It assumes, perhaps a bit optimistically, 'flat' state funding and warns of a $2.5 million shortfall if the state tax proposal should fail.

~ In the tentative labor contract with the Monrovia school district's non-teachers, employees will get a .47 percent increase in benefits, all in healthcare, over the next three years. The district will increase its contribution from $11,959.50 to a maximum of $12,423.90.

~ The board will consider allowing the district to borrow from various district funds ( ) and from the LA County Treasurer ( ) if necessary because a certain deadbeat state government (that's my opinion, by the way) is not paying its bills on time.

- Brad Haugaard

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