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Monrovia School District Suing Office Depot, More Layoffs, No Raises, Budget Info

Among other topics at its June 15, 7 p.m. meeting, (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will ...

~ Consider hiring an attorney to sue Office Depot. Monrovia and some other local school districts are suing Office Depot for what the district terms: "fraud it committed in pricing." The attorney would be hired on a contingency basis, meaning the law firm only gets paid if it wins.

~ Consider laying off or cutting the hours of more employees. This time (if I'm reading this correctly) cutting a computer lab instructional assistant at Wild Rose Elementary from five hours a day for nine months a year to 3.75 hours a day for nine months, and cutting four preschool developmental aides at Canyon Early Learning Center from three hours daily for 12 months a year to 3 hours a day for nine months.

~ Reveal the agreement between the district and the Monrovia Teachers Association. It appears to be essentially a no-raises contract ( ). Ditto for the non-teacher employees:

~ Hear some pretty bleak - but apparently slightly better - budget numbers for Monrovia schools. The image above gives a hint.

- Brad Haugaard

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