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Monrovia City Council: Budget, Faith, and Legal Ads

At its June 19 meeting (agenda: ) the Monrovia City Council will, among other things ...

~ Consider adopting the Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget and Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Schedule of Fees and Charges. The actual budget info does not seem to be on line yet, but when it is, it should be here:

~ Recognize Eric Faith for his years of service to the City. "Mr. Faith served as Mayor from 1974 to 1976, as a Councilmember from 1976 through 1982, and was appointed to the Planning Commission in 1984, where he served continuously for 28 years."

~ Consider a bid from Beacon Media (Monrovia Weekly) to be the publisher for the city's legal ads at a cost of $9.50 per inch per column. "Pasadena Star News and Mountain Views newspaper did not respond." Staff recommends continuing the contract.

Comment: You will not read an editorial like this in any newsPAPER, but I think the day is coming (and should already be here) when legal ads are no longer required since a) nobody reads the newspaper anymore, b) the information can easily be put online for anybody who wants it, and c) if the state really feels there is a compelling reason to push these ads at people, then there is an increasingly strong argument that such ads should go in online media. But, frankly, why not just get rid of them?

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Brad, good argument for (rather against) legal ads in print papers! And great job with the updates. Best wishes!

