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Monrovia Assemblyman Says He Will 'Never Pay' Obama Healthcare Tax

Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia, reacts on Facebook to the Supreme Court ruling on the Obama healthcare plan, saying he will never pay the tax for it. He writes:
When the government can tell you what to buy in a market in which they are the biggest player, forcing you to subsidize those who made poor choices, you are no longer free. This is not about healthcare; it's about freedom. This is not about a tax or a mandate; this is about whether or not Americans will choose to live free or bow down to a tyrannical government. Obamacare is the trojan horse of... socialism. The choice confronting every American is whether you will obey this encroachment of your liberties, or throw off the yoke of servitude and nullify this unconstitutional directive. They can put a gun to my head, but I will never pay this tax, nor participate in Gov't run healthcare. What say you?
- Brad Haugaard


  1. Why would someone who HAS health insurance and healthcare proclaim he is not going to pay the tax (penalty) for not purchasing insurance. He's covered. He should be happy and relieved that HIS coverage will not go up and up and up as a result of taxpayers having to cover the uninsured, no matter what the set-up is. He seems like a downright mean-spirited person, and I would hate to run into him if I ever needed life or death help and he were the only person around. Oh, and I love how he doesn't think he has to follow laws - he is somehow exempt. What a "patriot," indeed.

    1. Hear Hear Ms. Chase! No doubt Donnelly's health insurance is full medical, full dental, full vision, most likely has a life insurance plan, a company matching retirement fund - bottom line; this guy has a golden parachute, like the rest of those government emlployees. He doesn't have to live with the very high deductible on his medical, doesn't have to pay all his dental & vision out of pocket like so many of us working class folk. Yeah, he doesn't have to worry about it because his employer (and that would be the residents of Monrovia) who actually pay the bills) pays 100%. His verbage is grandstanding, typical of a bureacrat. typical of the fat cats on the hill.

  2. It's like car insurance. You have to have it to drive a car. It's a legal requirement. Tim Donnelly's philosophy is "I got mine, screw you."
