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Metro Board: No Money to Extend Gold Line

From Gold Line Spokesman Habib Balian:

"We are disappointed, but not surprised today after the Metro board approved the ballot initiative to extend Measure R for an additional 30-years (to 2069) with no funding for the Gold Line Foothill Extension to Claremont.

"There were many comments made at the meeting in support of completing the Foothill Extension to Claremont as required by Measure R.  The many who have advocated on the projects' behalf stressed that  Metro is not meeting the 2008 voter mandate; a congressional letter read during the meeting called attention specifically to provisions of the enabling legislation which "delineated the Gold Line Foothill Extension as terminating in Claremont."  Unfortunately, contrary to law,  the board did not amend the expenditure plan to include the project to Claremont.

"The project is once again grateful to Congress members Judy Chu, Adam Schiff, Grace Napolitano and Joe Baca for submitting the letter (below) to the record today that urged Metro to amend the expenditure plan and include funding for completion of the project to Claremont. Their support and dedication to the project has never been stronger. I also want to thank California Senator Dr. Ed Hernandez who continues to work on our behalf in Sacramento to amend the enabling legislation (AB1446) currently moving through the Senate.

"In addition, La Verne Councilwoman Robin Carder, former-Claremont Mayor Al Leiga (also a former Construction Authority board member), Phil Hawkey from the University of La Verne and Katie Gagnon from the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership attended the meeting today and spoke on behalf of completing the Foothill Extension to Claremont. We thank them for their dedication to the project.

"The issue now goes to the Board of Supervisors for their approval. If passed, the initiative will be on the November 2012 ballot."

- Brad Haugaard

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