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Gold Line Progress

Crews are finalizing the form-work and installing over 500 tons of reinforcing steel for the bridge's superstructure and outrigger (or main cross-beam). Once completed in early June, 2,100 cubic yards of concrete will be placed to form the main bridge structure. The photos above show the significant progress made on the bridge by the Skanska team in the last few weeks.

Nearly 80 full-time engineers and designers are currently hard at work designing the Pasadena to Azusa project. Some elements of the design are close to - or at - 85%; while most are at around 60% completion. This process will continue through 2012, with construction starting in earnest in September.

As design progresses, FTC crews are out along the corridor conducting pre-construction activities. During the last several weeks, crews have begun demolishing the abandoned track in Arcadia, as well as demolishing the Colorado Boulevard bridge, which crosses Colorado Boulevard just west of Santa Anita Avenue.  

Source: Gold Line press release

If you would like to attend a Gold Line open house, see details here:

- Brad Haugaard

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