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Removing Old Track for Gold Line | Activist to Lead Democracy Writing Workshop at Monrovia Library

~ Foothill Transit Constructors has begun removing the old, freight rail track, starting in Arcadia, as shown here.

~ Free writing workshop led by Traci Kato-Kiriyama ("activist, community leader and performance artist"), 6:30-8:30 p.m. on May 30 at the Library. Reserve a spot by calling 256-8274. Participants will use "Farewell to Manzanar" to write on "what democracy means today and where it may be headed tomorrow."

Opinion: This reminds me, Library. If you want a local Japanese-American writer to speak or lead a workshop, may I suggest Naomi Hirahara. I read her award-winning "Summer of the Big Bachi" and several other of her mysteries, which - unlikely though it sounds - feature as the detective an elderly Japanese gardener named Mas Arai, and somehow they really work. Great books and lots of local (Pasadena/LA-area) color.

- Brad Haugaard

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