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Monrovia Schools: A Lot of Layoffs, Improved Attendance, Enviro Science, 'Transitional' Kindergarten

Attendance improvements equal more money from State.

At its Wednesday, May 9, meeting (agenda: ), the Monrovia School Board will ...

~ Let go a bunch of employees, effective at the close of this school year.

~ Hear a report on the district's success improving student attendance rate. (The more students attending, the more money from the state.) At the district's traditional schools attendance increased a little over a half a percent (.52), and for all schools, the increase was .46.

~ Consider offering an advanced placement course in environmental science ( ) and a textbook to go with it ( ).

~ Consider creating a "transitional" kindergarten at Plymouth School. This seems to be sort of a preschool. The idea? To "attract students to our district" and "to provide them [students] with skills that are attractive to their parents, to institutes of higher education, and to future employers" and to "boost future academic achievement." Again, the more students, the more cash from the state.

- Brad Haugaard

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