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Monrovia Police: Hood Flies Open on Getaway Car, Escaping on Foot on the Freeway, Etc

[Monrovia Police activities from the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Report for May 24-27. – Brad Haugaard]

Following are the weekend's highlighted issues and events.

Burglary / Possession of Burglary Tools – Suspects Arrested

May 24 at 4:12 p.m., a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain reported three suspicious subjects, two males and a female, inside the business that have stolen merchandise from several of their store locations. An officer responded and detained one male subject, who consented to a pat-down search. The suspect had wire cutters and a magnetic decoder to remove security tabs on his person, along with items of store merchandise he had taken without paying. As the female suspect exited the business, she was detained and was also found to be in possession of a magnetic decoder. The third male suspect exited, but did not have any items on him. The first suspect admitted he had gone into the store to steal, but claimed the other two did not know. He and the female were arrested and taken into custody. The other male subject was identified and released.

Gang Injunction / Warrant Arrest – Suspects Arrested

May 25 at 1:52 a.m., officers were conducting extra patrol behind a business in the 1100 block of South Magnolia when they saw an opening in the perimeter gate. While checking the area, three subjects were found sleeping in some abandoned apartments. One subject was arrested for the gang injunction, one subject was arrested for a warrant, and the third subject was identified and given a warning to stay out of the location.

Fight in Progress – Suspects Identified

May 25 at 6:22 p.m., a caller reported four subjects fighting in the street at Myrtle and Pomona. As officers were responding, dispatch advised the suspect vehicle was attempting to flee, but the engine hood flew open. This caused enough delay for officers to locate the vehicle as it drove onto the westbound 210 Freeway. Officers conducted a traffic stop on Santa Anita, just north of the freeway, and detained three male subjects and one female. Officers attempted to locate the victim, but he was not found. The suspects were identified and released.

Petty Theft

May 25 at 9:34 p.m., a petty theft was reported at a park in the 300 block of South Myrtle. Three male juveniles were approached by a 16-year-old, male subject who asked to use one of their cell phones to call his mom. The victim handed the suspect his phone; the suspect took the phone and fled the location. He was last seen running west on Palm towards Primrose. He is described as a male Hispanic, 16 years old, brown hair, brown eyes, thin build, approximately 5 foot 11 inches tall. Investigation continuing.

Stolen Vehicle Recovered

May 26 at 12:11 p.m., an officer was patrolling the area of Fifth and Huntington when he saw a suspicious vehicle occupied by two male subjects abruptly pull into a business parking lot in an erratic manner. The officer followed behind the vehicle and saw both occupants walk into a business. A DMV computer check revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen from Baldwin Park. The suspects ran out the backdoor of the business and onto the freeway. CHP received several calls from drivers that the suspects were running on the freeway. A witness saw the suspects exit the north side of the freeway. Containment of the area was established, but the suspects were not located.

The suspects are described as being in their 30's. One had tattoos on the left side of his neck. One suspect was wearing a white t-shirt, blue jean shorts and a fedora type hat. The other was wearing a light blue hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. The vehicle was recovered and the investigation is continuing.

Vehicle Burglary

May 27 at 9:10 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 100 block of West Lemon. The victim parked and locked their Chevy Tahoe in their assigned parking space. When they returned to the vehicle, they noticed the doors ajar and the two back leather seats were missing. The suspect(s) most likely used a Slim Jim to gain entry into the vehicle. Investigation continuing.

Vehicle Burglary

May 27 at 10:03 a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 700 block of South Myrtle. A gardener had his tools stolen from his truck. The tools have his initials etched on them. He had been working around the grounds in the area, and when he returned to his truck for additional tools, he found someone had broken into his truck. Investigation continuing.

Theft From a Vehicle

May 28 at 12:39 p.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 800 block of West Olive. The victim parked his vehicle in his carport, but did not lock the driver's door. When he returned to his car the next day in the afternoon, he found his property was missing from the vehicle. The items taken were an Ipod, the vehicle radio, and a DVD player.

Domestic Violence / Warrant – Suspect Arrested

May 28 at 2:22 a.m., officers responded to a location in the 900 block of South Fifth regarding a disturbance. They spoke to a female subject, who said she was involved in an altercation with the father of her children. She sustained visible injuries, so the male suspect was arrested. It was later discovered that he also had an outstanding warrant, which was added to his charges.

Special Enforcement Team Weekly Activity

Assault Investigation / Gang Injunction Served

On May 25, the Special Enforcement Team worked DAMAGE (Duarte and Monrovia Anti-Gang Enforcement) with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and Parole. The team assisted patrol with an assault investigation at Myrtle and Pomona. DAMAGE members located the suspect vehicle on the 210 Freeway, traveling westbound, and conducted a high-risk stop on Santa Anita, north of the 210 Freeway. They detained three known gang members. Two were served with the gang injunction.

Gang Injunction Served / Gang Injunction Violation / Warrant Arrest

On May 27, Special Enforcement Team officers worked a large church fiesta in the 700 block of South Shamrock for gang suppression. The team assisted patrol with a fight in the 600 block of Royal Oaks, near the location. Two gang members were served with the gang injunction, and another gang member was arrested for violation of the gang injunction. A fourth gang member was also served with the gang injunction at the police department when he was arrested and taken in for an outstanding warrant.

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