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Monrovia Has Unexpected Increase in Graffiti | Assessment Increase? | Oak Tree Money | Equipment Maintenance | Chaplains | Recycling

At its Tuesday, May 15, 7:30 p.m. meeting (agenda summary here: ), the Monrovia City Council will ...

~ Hear a report that there have been "unanticipated increases of graffiti" during fiscal year 2011-12 and so monthly graffiti removal costs have increased more than expected. City staff recommends that the city allow an additional $12,469.50 this fiscal year to pay graffiti removal company William Marino Enterprises.

~ Consider setting a public hearing about raising the citywide landscape and lighting assessment fee (currently about $56.23 for a typical single family dwelling) by the increase in the consumer price index, for a maximum rate increase of $10.89.

~ Consider applying for some of the $2.5 million grant money being offered by LA County to plant oak trees in areas hit by tree loss in the recent windstorm.

~ Consider paying an additional $44,320 for this fiscal year to Parking Company of America (which does equipment maintenance for Monrovia).

~ Welcome Monrovia Police Department Chaplains Jonathan Landon, Terrence Brown and Jerry Johnson, who will be introduced by Police Chief Jim Hunt.

- Brad Haugaard

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