I don't intend this to be a regular feature, but I think the items below give an interesting glimpse into the thinking of Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who represents part of Monrovia.
On his Facebook page Donnelly posts his vote on many - if not all - the issues that come before the Assembly. Most of his reports begin with, "Just voted no on..." or even, "I was the only no vote on..." Here are today's:
~ Just voted no on AB 2134 (Chesbro) which mandates that a county that elects to provide assisted outpatient treatment (involuntary mental health treatment by court order) must include in their program crisis intervention teams, mobile crisis teams or psychiatric emergency response teams, and an emphasis on peer support, all of which, however admirable, would make the implementation of an effective program unnecessarily more expensive. The bill passed 42-26
~ Just voted no on AB 2609 (Hueso) which seeks to punish Dan Richards, the head fish and game commissioner, after he legally shot and killed a mountain lion in Idaho. Although not directly attacking Richards, this bill attacks the position of president of the board. The bill passed 55-22.
~ I was the only no vote on AB 2590 (Blumenfield) which requires investor-owned electric utilities to post on their web site any report required by a revision to the Public Utilities Commission's (PUC) Electric Rule 21, if that revision is adopted after Jan. 1, 2012. . This bill is unnecessary because it duplicates the PUC's ongoing effort to improve distribution level interconnection rules and regulations. It passed 67-1.
~ Just voted no on AJR 35 (Williams) which seeks to deny the export of coal to other countries if they don’t follow California’s green agenda. It passed 43-25.
~ Just voted no on AB 1534 (Wieckowski) which forces car dealers to post the fair market price on the window of a car they are trying to sell. If they try to sell the car for any more than the "bluebook" price, there will be two price tags on the car. The bill passed 41-31.
~ Just voted no on AB 1461 (Monning) which prematurely implements the Obamacare and alters California's health insurance market for individual purchasers. The bill passed 42-26.
~ Just voted no on AB 1447 (Feuer) which will impose mandates on certain car dealers. These mandates include forcing dealers to offer warranties on "high risk" cars. If a person wants to enter into a "bad" contract with a dealer and buy a "high risk" car, then that is between them. The state should have nothing to do with it. The bill passed 44-25.
~ Just voted no on AB 2350 (Monning), which is another attempt to implement Obamacare in California by requiring health plans and health insurers, commencing March 31, 2013, to annually provide specified information regarding their plan contracts or policies to the Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) or the California Department of Insurance (CDI). With this entire obsession over Obamacare, it would at least be prudent to wait until the Supreme Court rules on the constitutionality of it. The bill passed 45-25.
~ Just voted yes on AB 1929 (Gorell) which authorizes military and civilian overseas voters to use a ballot marking machine to allow them to select their choices on a screen, and then print-out a completed ballot for return to election officials. This will make it easier for our servicemen and women to vote in elections back home. The bill passed 68-0.
~ Just voted no on AB 1831 (Dickinson) which prohibits a local agency from inquiring into or considering the criminal history of an applicant, or including any inquiry about criminal history on any initial employment application, until after the employee has been screened and otherwise meets the minimum employment requirements. The measure passed 42-34.
~ Just voted no on AB 2459 (Torres) which requires the 911 Emergency Communications Office to inform the public of the "proper use of 911". This is something that is common sense and the government shouldn’t have to waste taxpayer money on. The bill passed 47-18.
~ Just voted yes on AB 1922 (Lara) which will delete an obsolete test, the Periodic Smoke Inspection Program, that trucks have to pass. There are other requirements that trucks have to meet which are more stringent than this one. Deleting this requirement is just one less burden for truckers. The bill passed 69-0.
- Brad Haugaard
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