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Contract Night for Monrovia City Council

A lot of contract updates are on the June 5, 7:30 p.m. Monrovia City Council agenda, including: providing transportation service for county residents near Monrovia, having a company provide graffiti removal, renew a tree trimming contract, another contract for maintaining city vehicles, another for consulting about updating the city's "Pavement Management System" (street repair, I think), another to fix a water well pump, yet another to update a computerized water management system, and again, one to update the city and police computer systems, and finally, one to renew the trash hauling contract.

Opinion: One item that caught my eye was that for the graffiti removal contract staff recommends an increased payment due to an "increase in fuel costs." Hmm. That's pretty standard, and fair enough, but fuel prices also go down at times. Does the price the city pays go down if fuel costs decline? If not, why not?

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. First, cannot the street supervisor do an assessment of the streets, believe it or not he only has 4 men to supervise. I think he can find the time and besides it should be his job. And with the graffiti removal I'm sure the city can hire a part timer to do the graffiti removal it's not a real skill and I'm sure there are plenty of people looking for a job even part time. Remember no benefits are paid to part timers. I'm sure the city would save in the long run.
