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Star-News Columnist: Local School Districts Like Vermin

Star-News columnist Frank Girardot compares local school districts (presumably including Monrovia) to "vermin" and "cockroaches" ( ) following a legal demand from the Star-News to 28 districts on teacher misconduct. Here is Monrovia's response:

Opinion: I have stated this in other forums, but let me do so again: I understand the Star-News is within the law, and I believe the school districts should respond according to the law, and if the SN was following up on an allegation or even a vague suspicion, I would applaud this, but for the newspaper to burden already cash-strapped school districts with pointless administrative work (and thus extra costs) based on nothing but a whim strikes me as  very irresponsible. And to compare school districts to cockroaches ... oh, man! That is just way over the top.

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