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Protesters March to Trader Joe's Monrovia HQ

Several hundred people representing Florida tomato pickers marched along Huntington Drive to Trader Joe's Monrovia headquarters today to present their side in a dispute with the company.

The Florida labor group wants Trader Joe's to pay an extra penny a pound for tomatoes it picks, to benefit the pickers. Trader Joe's says it is already doing that but won't sign the agreement because "the agreement that Trader Joe’s has been asked to sign is overreaching, ambiguous and improper."

Details from both sides at these links:
~ Coalition of Immolakee Workers:
~ Trader Joe's response:

- Brad Haugaard

1 comment:

  1. Good for Trader Joe's. Do not sucumb to Union demands and improperly written agreements. Hopefully TJ can find another supplier and send Florida Unions to hell.
