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Wilderness EIR Ready. Got Thoughts?

The City has prepared an environmental impact report for the Hillside Wilderness Preserve and Hillside Recreation Area (the foothills area north of town from Arcadia to Bradbury). You can get a CD copy of the report at the Monrovia City Hall, Community Center, or Library, and, I believe, it will be posted on the city website, but I can't find it yet. Anyway, once you read it you may have thoughts, so there will be a "scoping" meeting (which means you get to give your thoughts but it is not a meeting for questions) at the Community Center at 6:30 p.m. on November 17. Or you can send thoughts to

UPDATE: In his weekly report, City Manager Scott Ochoa notes that: "the City will introduce and study only those uses that can reasonably be considered under the terms of Measures A & B (i.e., no motocross, no golf courses, etc.; only hiking, biking, interpretive trails, nature centers, etc.)." However, he added that "this range of uses is considerably more intensive than what was originally approved."

 - Brad Haugaard

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