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Time Right for Monrovia Electronic Media?

In his weekly report, Monrovia City Manager Scott Ochoa notes MonroviaNow (this publication) and Monrovia Patch:
" and Monrovia Now, a local daily news service and quasi-community blog, respectively, have hit the ground running. While Monrovia Now posts a lot of community news and information, and invites folks to share their opinions, it is not a commercial venture., on the other hand, is a venture by AOL to fill the hole that exists in the traditional print media's coverage of community news; and, at the same time, sell advertising of local businesses and events.

"With daily newspapers still losing money and having trouble covering small-town news (no matter how many municipal scandals there seem to be), and the weeklies (such as the Monrovia Weekly) only printing true community news once a week (the second run is largely legal ads), the time may be ripe for an expansion of e-media. We shall see..."
Yes, we shall indeed see.
- Brad Haugaard

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