In his weekly report, City Manager Scott Ochoa said the Historic Preservation Commission had an "interesting and intense meeting" about the property at 270 N. Myrtle Avenue. The commission voted 3-to-3, thus taking no action. Ochoa said:
"The property at 270 N. Myrtle Avenue was purchased by a private owner, who apparently intends to demolish the house in favor of building two new homes. Again, there are two underlying lots and the construction of two single-family homes is a permitted use. Still, the historic preservation community in Monrovia fervently desires to save the house. Thus, we may end up with the immovable object meeting the irresistible force. That said, I do hope and believe that a workable compromise is within reach. Our Planning staff is doing a great job of educating folks and problem-solving."
UPDATE: A correspondent writes to say that some members of the Commission want things both ways.
She said they want to be able to say that some pre-1940 homes are not historic and bar them from the benefits accorded to historic homes, but at the same time want to be able to prevent non-historic homes from being replaced, thereby denying all the benefits of historic status but demanding all the limitations.
She said her family attempted to get her older home designated as an historic home, but was told that it was old but not historic.
- Brad Haugaard
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